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The Master Cleanse Express
by Zoebess

67 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 1,069,939 times
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  • Encouragement   by  Zoebess     18 y     3,323       3 Messages Shown       Blog: The Master Cleanse Express
    Committing to doing a Master Cleanse, which involves fasting, is difficult
    enough but can be made be more difficult if one has to relate to friends
    and family who are less than supportive and encouraging. Many choose not
    to share their plans but some, out of necessity, have to disclose decisions
    which are not always popular with others.

    It is important when you find yourself dealing with a lack of encouragement
    and support to reach out to others when you feel the need to have someone
    reassure you that you have made a good choice, that you can keep the
    committment you have made with yourself. Leaving your old comfort zone,
    even if it was not really where you wanted to be, is hard enough, and not
    knowing how things are going to turn out can also be distressing especially
    in the face of questions such as, "do you know what you are doing!!?".

    Below is an article which describes the importance of giving and receiving
    support and encouragement. Never underestimate the value of a smile or a
    hug, or kind words of caring. A hug or a touch of the arm can reduce many
    hardships and make another feel comfortable again. A smile is a universal
    sign of happiness.


    Encouragement--Everyone Needs It

    By: Katheryn Hoban

    Everyone needs encouragement. So many people in this world
    feel discouraged, pressed in, cornered, unworthy, unlovable,
    or completely overwhelmed by the circumstances of their lives.
    You can make a difference in one moment if you will honestly
    and sincerely encourage them.

    Let them know that they are capable, that they can do the task
    before them. Adults, children and senior citizens all need to be
    encouraged. One way to do this is to talk with them, give them a
    clear picture of how you see them doing something well. Give them
    your vision when they don't have their own. Be gentle.

    Encourage one moment and empathize the next. Let them talk about
    their dreams and how they used to be or in moments when they felt
    strong. Sometimes it is necessary to be firm or decisive about the
    positive picture that you hold of them. Don't waver in your thoughts,
    be sure that they will be able to do what they want and do it well.
    Encourage them to do it one step at a time. Praise these little

    Encourage them to something a little more challenging. Keep recalling
    that vision of strength for them. Encourage the positive in them; don't
    let them have a self-pity party. People may not know what they want to
    do, and it is not your job to tell them what they should do. But you can
    encourage them towards what they like to do, what makes them joyful, what
    makes them feel strong and empowered. You can encourage them to make choices
    that feel better for them.

    You can encourage anyone exactly where you are. If you are in school,
    or if you are working, find the positive right there. Sometimes a smile
    is all it takes. If they are feeling down, a hug can do wonders to make
    someone feel worthy or lovable. You can encourage with your words and your thoughts, by listening, by being a sounding board, by leading them with
    your own actions or way of being.

    When you need to be encouraged, come to me, or go to another person who
    can offer encouragement to you. Don't go to anyone whom you know will
    condemn your actions or judge you. Go to the people with vision and strength
    of their own who are making some positive impact.

    Every creature on this planet can be and needs to be encouraged at one
    time or another. Be that person who encourages others. Encourage with
    kindness, with love, by examples,with praise, with your words. It is as
    simple as saying You can do this. To encourage is one of the greatest things
    that you can do for someone. This doesn't mean that you do their work for them.

    For anyone to become everything for which they are capable they have
    to do it. They have the opportunity to embrace a new choice, a new way
    of being, and they have to walk through it. You can be with them every
    step of the way. You can uplift and strengthen by your words of encouragement.
    Also remember to encourage yourself. I know you can do this. Come on now,
    you can do this. One step out is all it takes to transform a situation,
    or yourself.

    Step after step consistently will bring you into a new place. Only
    you or I can take that first step, and the second and the third. Sometimes
    you are the only person with words of encouragement for someone who is doing something outstanding or great. Great teachers or mentors need encouragement
    too; they can doubt themselves sometimes. They wonder if they are making the difference, or if they are doing enough. It's not easy being the odd man out
    or to stand up and have convictions about something when everyone else is going along with the crowd. If you don't have any words to say, a touch on the arm
    or shoulder, a pat on the back, a smile, or a spontaneous gift can go a long

    Find ways to encourage someone. Do so sincerely. Receive encouragement
    yourself. Be open to moments when you can impact someones life in a positive
    and gentle manner, or a profound way. I encourage you to embrace your life,
    and reach every height that you can! YOU CAN DO IT!!

    Yoga Kat teaches children's yoga ages 3-6, 7-12yrs
    and Adults in NJ. The Author of the book DAUGHTER BELOVED
    and created a children's affirmation CD and an adult
    affirmation CD. Available for speaking and reached at or 201-970-9340--COMING SOON -


    be happy, be well,


    I wish all those doing the Master Cleanse much success~~~!
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • Thanks for another day of timely info!   by  Germanflower     18 y     1,309
      This fast really brought the deprivation thing into focus, even the joy of preparing food...really prepared food like grandma and all the tradition therein involved in the time-honored recipes, all that and everything related to it, well, it just made me angry. Not so much fast food which I haven't had in years, or packaged food...but I've been living on cans of tuna and eggs, and salad, and not anything I could "make" I know it's weird. I'm going to have to recreate all that and rethink the preparation. It's not going to be enough to throw some lettuce in a bowl anymore, I'm tired of being deprived that way and yet in my mind cooking meant those starchy foods...those foods were the acceptable form of indulgence, I don't know why, just a mental block I guess. I saw a book today called "burnt toast" and I guess the gist of it is that it's no longer acceptable to "settle" in life or to "make do"--food is just one thing. so I'm going to kick the burnt toast to the curb. School has made me such a minimalist in so many ways that are just not acceptable anymore, and might not have even been necessary after all, and along with that, the anger, there is guilt--can you really achieve and not deprive yourself. But you know, we are worth it!
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: Thanks for another day of timely info!   by  Zoebess     18 y     1,078
        The cleanse really does give you time to look at your relationship with food and also to make some changes. You can take baby steps too. I like to have a sit down meal once a week with friends to encourage a habit of cooking food and sharing it.

        I used to think cooking or baking was more complicated but luckily my friend I live with went to cooking school and will bake a cake at the drop of a hat, or get up early and enlist us all to cut up veggies over coffee and make fabulous quiches.

        Certainly raw will take some planning but will be exciting and new and perhaps appeal to you...pun intended....ggg. I will most likely combine since my body does better with steamed food. I still enjoy a good piece of toast, but like a really good sprouted bread or intense multigrain.

        I am happy for you that you are finding the cleanse a good platform to explore other food options which WILL work for you!!

        Have fun!

        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
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