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Dreaming Alive
by greggechols

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  • The New Psychology of the Stars   by  greggechols     18 y     3,467       5 Messages Shown       Blog: Dreaming Alive

    It is as though a new psychology is coming into focus for me. I see this through my readings in depth psychology; through my meditations, rituals, work with art, and through the experiences and dreams I have garnered the last decade. I am experiencing this new psychology coming into focus more and more, especially as new “information” is coming to me through my various readings and dreams.

    This is a psychology of man’s multidimensional self: not a self comprised of man’s various psychological selves such as his id, ego, superego; his shadow, anima, animus, and the various complexes—no, this is a psychology healing man’s various souls and multidimensional experiences. This is a psychology that goes beyond man’s physical body and into the galaxy, from where man came. This is a psychology known and worked by the ancients: the Greeks knew of this, and so did the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Hindus, and all other previously “modern” societies. Our modern indigenous cultures know of this, too, as well as those linked to shamanism and to Amazonian ways of life.

    You will not find this psychology in any textbook, although you will find pieces of it spelled out in books on art, archaeology, physics, psychology, healing arts, the occult, UFO’s, religion, spirituality, biology, physiology, anthropology, criminology, textiles, nuclear physics, and anyplace else where this information can be discovered—for this psychology is, at present, hidden, waiting to be pieced together and worked forward.

    This is a psychology whose roots lie in modern depth psychology: the world of Freud, Jung, and Adler. This is a psychology that has been practiced for the last hundred years: a psychology in which the intent was on healing the soul. However, it is through this new psychology that we are finding it is more than the soul that needs healing: it is our multidimensional selves. We are not limited by this time-span continuum. The physical body in which we are walking is not who “we” are. We are experiencing a life outside of this particular physical body, just as much as we are experiencing this particular physical body. A psychology that works this seeming split and reunites who we truly are is what this new psychology is all about.

    There are a number of modern-day parents and grandparents of this new psychology: men and women who allowed themselves to break out of the paradigm of the 20th century to experience something beyond; men and women who “broke through” and found something else, another way of looking at our life experience here on Earth. These are men and women who are channelers of spirit, like Jane Roberts and Barbara Marciniak; these are consciousness-explorers like Stanislav Grof and Ralph Metzner; these are people like Maria Sabina who have lived and experienced indigenous ways of accessing information through plant teachers; these are like artists such as Wassily Kandinsky, Andre Breton and Alex Gray who have broken through to other realms and brought back indescribable truths; these are writers like Toni Morrison and e.e. cummings who have shape-shifted into words and dreamed us into new experiences; these are scientists like Fred Alan Wolf, Itzak Bentov, and Albert Einstein, who experienced their theories and realized teachings that the ancients offered thousands of years ago.

    This psychology has a host of other parents, too; like, men and women in the spiritual community, like Baba Mutkananda, Krishnamurti, the Dalai Lama, Matthew Fox; healers, physicians and seers like Randolph Stone, William Sutherland, Raymond Moody and Edgar Cayce; musicians like Glen Gould, Stanley Jordan, John Coltrane, the Grateful Dead; academicians like James Hillman and Gloria Orenstein. These are men and women who helped unlock various codes that make up what is coming into form as this “new psychology.”

    “Individuals must trigger themselves into multidimensionality” writes Barbara Marciniak in her channeled book, Bringers of the Dawn (1992, p. 234). This new psychology helped individuals do just that. Instead of being stuck on the Mother complex, the Oedipus fantasy, the birthing trauma, the mid-life crisis, and growing old, this new psychology breaks through these limiting boundaries and focuses on the larger question: Who are We? By engaging this much-larger dimension, we come to experience our multidimensionality, and in the process, heal both the Earth and ourselves.

    There are a number of realities that make up this new awareness of Who We Are:



    • The human body is changing at a much-faster rate due to our acceleration as a species; in turn, so is the planet. The body and mind are requiring us to attend to them in a much different way, as is our soul, and our multi-dimensional selves—aspects of Who We Are that we have been ignoring for millennia.


    • The planet is being decimated by humans, and the elements we ignore and imagine as being dead—trees, plants, rocks, waters, animals—they are requiring our “waking up” to our realities of Who We Are.


    • Those spirits and ancestors who came here before us are now trying to get our attention, trying to help us move into an awareness of Who We Are.


    • The idea of a Christian god is no longer serving our planet, while the beings that have been overseeing the evolution of the Earth—and us—are requiring us to “kick into gear” and evolve at a much faster rate.


    Who We Are is not Who We Think We Are.

    In a sense, we are now being asked to dismember what we re-member, in the words of psychologist James Hillman. In that we are not who we think we are, everything that has been taught us—yes, the framework for this society—is going to have to be unloaded, unlocked, uninstalled, and replaced with a wider, more expansive picture of Who We Are and What is Going On. No one is immune from this work. And each of us has a choice: whether or not we are going to evolve, or stay stuck. It is as simple as that.

    So this new psychology deals with each of these questions, leading us into a new paradigm that short-circuits Christianity, Democracy, Socialism, Catholicism, Science, History, and the National Football League. This new psychology begins to work with the human being within the framework of Who We Are as multi-dimensional beings. Our dreams and nightmares are already calling for this.



    It is time we begin to act on what is being asked of us. If it is true that our deepest nature is divine and that we are identified with the creative principle of the universe, how do we account for the intensity of our conviction that we are physical bodies existing in a material world? What is the nature of this fundamental ignorance concerning our true identity, this mysterious veil of forgetting that Alan Watts called ‘the taboo against knowing who you are’…How can actors in the world drama be deluded into believing in the objective experience of their illusory reality? (Grof, Psychology of the Future, 2002, p. 283)



    Meditation; peak experiences in nature or with organic plants; music and art; dreams; momentary insights of an “a-ha” nature—all are modern-day doorways into a realization of Who We Are. And for those of us fortunate enough to have these experiences, society has a number of ways in which to welcome you back into reality: incarceration, hospitalization, electro-shock therapy, religious confession; banishment from society, medication. Modern-day psychology is equipped with plenty of tools to deal with peak experiences and insights into Who We Are. Depth psychology is more open to these experiences, but is still limited in being able to offer tools rich enough to go beyond the body and soul.

    This new psychology realizes the reality of peak experiences and what they truly are: glimpses into Who We Are. This new psychology acknowledges unexpected psychotic episodes: arrival of ET’s and alien beings; strange encounters in dreams and visions; sexua| awakenings that lead to bizarre other-worldly visitors; intuitions that hint at us living outside of our worldly experience; emotional release that open our consciousness into other realms; bodywork that triggers memories of the past, or of the future. All of these experiences are momentary awakenings into Who We Are, and this new psychology offers new doorways into incorporating these Realities into our daily life on Earth.

    This new psychology welcomes input from the natural world, and recognizes Nature as being our brothers and sisters, our parents, our teachers. This new psychology understands that man’s actions of the last 2000 years have destroyed Nature, and She is now crying out—demanding—action to heal Her. This new psychology listens to these voices, reminding man of Who We Are and facilitating a shift in his awareness and responsibility.

    As interdimensional and multidimensional beings, we are now on a course that will shift our planet, and ourselves, into new realities. Our bodies are changing: our nervous systems are being re-wired, our DNA is being expanded, our emotional bodies are being re-awakened. These homes we live in—our bodies—are being refurbished, and this new psychology is one of the tools to help us, at least on an intellectual basis, to understand this process and, if anything, to facilitate this process. This is beyond anything we’ve ever experienced as humans on this planet, and this new psychology not only helps us realize what is going on, it helps awaken ourselves to Who We Are in a way that aligns ourselves with this Higher Truth.

    This new psychology is not limited to the way it’s been done for the past 100 years: psychoanalysis from the couch. This new psychology allows for the space of realizing Who We Are to incorporate many modalities of healing, all within the framework of opening to this awareness. By incorporating other modalities that support this vision, we open ourselves to Who We Are: cranio-sacral and polarity work; deep-body massage; art therapy; dreamwork; dance; rituals involving psycho-integrator plants; prayer; music; tantric sex. These are all prescriptions to unlocking the symbols that reveal to us Who We Are. And this new psychology is the structure used to understand this process in a holistic way.

    C. G. Jung’s idea of a collective unconscious is now being expanded through this new psychology: we are multi-dimensional and and interdimensional beings beyond our existence here on Earth and there are existences occurring simultaneous to this moment on Earth. These realities make up for a collective multi-dimensional experience we all share. Therefore, I think have a new view of Jung’s framework:



    personal unconscious > collective unconscious >
    collective multi-dimensional



    We are not limited to linear time in the reality of Who We Are. Psychology today is already reporting patients transcending time, and experiencing memories while in the womb, in other lives, as sentient beings; these are aspects of Who We Are, and this new psychology takes us into that realm and brings us forward into this realization. Patients report experiences of the future, of encounters with mythic beings—even of extra-terrestrial beings. These, too, are signs linking us to Who We Are, and this new psychology welcomes this material in helping us to unlock the symbols announcing the reality of our existence here on Earth.

    Spiritistic and mediumistic experiences are recognized and integrated through this new psychology. Indigenous traditions continue to work with these realms today; it has only been Cartesian science (and Christianity) that has written off so many of the avenues in which to experience our true reality. These boundaries will be dissolved (imploded?) through this new psychology.

    One could view this new psychology as a new religion as well—and, if there are those who wish to move this in that direction, go ahead. Whatever it takes to create an awareness of this reality is welcomed, in whatever language is accepted. The Earth Church would be an ideal tool, incorporating every modality possible to awaken this consciousness in man.



    If we continue to act out the problematic destructive and self-destructive tendencies originating in the depth of the unconscious, we will undoubtedly destroy ourselves and life on this planet. However, if we succeed in internalizing this process on a large enough scale, it might result in an evolutionary process that can take us as far beyond our present condition as we now are from primates.(Grof, Psychology of the Future, 2000, p. 320)



    In recognizing and honoring and working through this reality of us being multidimensional and interdimensional beings, we can accomplish this vision of Grof’s. We will then be able to accomplish what is discussed in Marciniak’s book, Bringers of the Dawn:



    You must learn to handle many realities at once, to realize that you are doing this, and to have a place—Earth—to translate information into. You would not be here if it wasn’t important for you to ground information and energy into Earth. (p. 229)



    Understanding Who We Are is generally accomplished through an experience while in altered states of consciousness. We are being asked to move beyond these momentary glimpses, and to live permanently in this state. This is our mission, and this is where this new psychology is taking us. It is no longer about us and our troubled relationships with our Mother and our Father—it is about our relationship with the Stars.






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    • Peak Experiences   by  Liora Leah     19 y     1,117
      "And for those of us fortunate enough to have these (peak) experiences, society has a number of ways in which to welcome you back into reality: incarceration, hospitalization, electro-shock therapy, religious confession; banishment from society, medication."

      This reminds me of an experience I had when, years ago, I was a social worker in a day care program for elders with severe mental and physical health problems. One of the attendees was a 70+ year old man with a 50 year history of what psychiatrists labeled "schizophrenia". He also had a history of alcoholism, an attempt to "self-medicate" his delusional thinking. He attended the day care because he'd had a major stroke and was no longer able to take care of his physical needs. In helping him to obtain Social Security benefits, I befriended the man. I had an "open door" policy to the clients and he sometimes asked to be wheeled into my office to "chat". He was on medication to control his auditory hallucinations, when he heard voices telling him to hurt himself. He'd tell the psychiatrist the medication was helping him; he confided in me that the medication made little difference but he didn't "want to hurt the psychiatrist's feelings". He told me he'd "learned to ignore" the voices, as he'd heard them for 50 years and was "used to them".

      One day he was in my office and began telling me how extraterrestials communicated with people. He said that the ET's put a "band of gold", with lights on it, around people's head, that went around the forehead and the back of the head, and this was the communication device. He also indicated that another part of the band went over the head, from forehead to back of head, along the crown of the head, and that the ends of this piece connected with the head band. When he was telling me this, my heart started pounding and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I had a hard time maintaining a "professional interest" (i.e. "emotional distancing" that social workers and other mental health care professionals are taught to engage in, to keep from getting too involved personally with a client) in what he was telling me. I had no idea at the time why this fascinated me so. I could not understand my reaction. I found myself asking the man if ET's had communicated with him in this manner, and he said, yes, they had. It was soon time for the man's lunch and we ended the conversation. This man had never spoken to me about such experiencs before, and never did again in subsequent conversations.

      I couldn't get what my client had said out of my mind. I found myself wondering about myself. I started questioning my own reasoning, saying things to myself like: "when a social worker starts believing in the delusions of a patient with schizophrenia, it's time to stop being a social worker!" The All-That-Is must have heard me, because weeks later I was fired from my job, after 19 years of being a social worker, and I never went back to work.

      Here's the amazing part: Months after the conversation with the day-care man, I was reading a book by Alberto Villardo, a man who spent 20 years in Peru being trained and initiated by Inca Shamans. In his book, "Shaman, Healer, Sage" he gives an exercise to connect the Third Eye to the visual cortex, so that one may envision what energies the Third Eye is bringing in. The process involves installing fibers of light along the scalp from the Third Eye to the visual cortex at the base of the back of the head. Part of the installation process for these fibers goes like this: "...tap on your 6th chakra (Third Eye) on the center of your forehead. Pat an imaginary band from your forehead to the base of your skill in the back of the head. Follow a line just abouve each ear. Repeat several times. Now tap once again on your sixth chakra and follow a band along the top of your head (tapping with both hands along the midline) to the base of the skull. Imagine you are placing a crown of light over your head. (From Shaman, Healer, Sage, page 121).

      You guessed it: what Villardo calls the "Crown of Light" corresponds with what my client had called the "band of gold"! When I first read this in Villardo's book, I couldn't believe my eyes! I have never stopped wondering about the man in the day care center. I wonder what would have happened to him if he had been raised in a society that valued visions, dreams, and intuition. Would he still have been considered to be "mentally ill", or would he have received training to become something else: a healer, a Shaman, a dream-teller, a wise man?

      --Liora Leah

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      Liora Leah
      • Re: Peak Experiences   by  greggechols     19 y     1,130
        This is so very cool! Indeed, this man was a seer, a wise man, a powerful man shunned and medicated into the outskirts of society! How unfortunate we as a society are not able to welcome these very gifted members into the community. Yet, it seems as if you were given a teacher in that moment, huh? And, then to read those very same words in Villardo's book. Wow. A true gift, an "awakening" of sorts for you.

        Have you viewed Luis Eduardo Luna and Pablo Amaringo's book, "Ayahuasca Visions: The religious iconography of a Peruvian Shaman?" The paintings are amazing, and oftentimes the work of Amaringo depicts scenes of ET's and space ships, bands of light, and all kinds of beings. These are experienced in the ayahuasca visions. ET's are a common theme amongst those in the Amazon, and the tribes there have all kinds of mythologies relating to ET's and "grey men." Your patient in the day care program didn't need ayahuasca to experience these visions, though, and, indeed, he would have been a revered and respected elder--yes, maybe a shaman--in a Peruvian village, an African village (with Mandaza!), or anywhere else that has a respect for indigenous traditions, that's for sure.

        Thanks again! ge

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        • Re: Peak Experiences   by  Liora Leah     19 y     1,016
          Yes, this man was indeed a teacher at a time when I was just starting to explore spirituality in an "out of the box" sort of way!

          No, I haven't read any of Luis Eduardo Luna and Pablo Amaringo's book, "Ayahuasca Visions: The religious iconography of a Peruvian Shaman" but I certainly will get a copy now! thanks for the reference!

          Thanks, once again, for your fascinating blog!

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          Liora Leah
      • Re: Peak Experiences   by  vibr8     19 y     1,220
        Just incredible. I work in the "mental health" field currently, with people who have been pushed out to the edges by society, and still those who are in power in the "mental health" realm choose to medicate those voices into silence, and further to not really listen to the patients until they start saying what the system wants to hear. Thank you for sharing your powerful experience here, Liora!

        And Gregg, your new BLOG is well done, I've read every word, and look forward to more.

        I've just read your response to the Enchanted Gardener, and would like to know what Master's programs the college you're attending offers. The Masters possibilities at the colleges where I live (in the Psychology field) seem fairly rote and mundane, although some interesting courses of study are available at Naropa University.

        Keep up your excellent writing, Gregg, and Liora!!

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