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Dark eye circles help.
by dreamlimbo

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  • Dark eye circle solution. :)   by  dreamlimbo     19 y     30,927       22 Messages Shown       Blog: Dark eye circles help.
    Hi everyone, I wrote the message at the bottom of this page around six months ago. I was new to curezone, and I did not know how to keep my blog active. I came upon my blog by chance today, and since that time I have gathered a great deal of information on dark circles. I am going to share with you what I have learned. There are two types of dark circles. One is caused by pigment (color), and the other is caused by dilated blood vessels. If you have dark circles take a close look at your eyes, if you see just darker skin then you are somewhat luckier than the rest of us that see enlarged veins. If your dark circles are caused by pigment then go see a dermatologist, preferably a cosmetic dermatologist, and the derma will most likely prescribe a fading cream using hydroquinone. Dark circles caused by dilated blood vessels are more difficult to treat. I tried the fading cream, and it had no effect because it would just make my dilated red/ blue/ purple/ green looking veins more evident. I think it also just irritated my skin. I will focus on the dilated blood vessels, but the information here also relates to the dark circles caused by pigment. When your dark circles are severe, they last for more than a couple of months, it is known as hyper pigmentation. My condition is hyper pigmentation due to dilated blood vessels. There are many factors responsible for dark circles. The skin under the eyes is so thin that it is a mirror for what's occurring inside of your body, it indicates your health. When allergies cause the dark circles it is known as allergic shiners, others attribute it to dehydration, or anemia. It might even be genetic. My dark circles are caused by candida (fungal infection). I inherited a weak immune system from my Mom. She has anemia, and has a problem absorbing vitamins. The Candida in my body went from being yeast (healthy and normal) to Candida fungus. This type of Candida went on to form organisms that changed the permeability of my intestinal wall. Toxins were then able to enter my blood stream, this is leaky gut syndrome. This then created a very heavy toxic load on my kidneys and liver. My poor eating habits, has led my organs to be overtaxed. This explains why I have been very constipated. The faulty digestion, poor absorption, altered intestinal permeability, and bacterial imbalance have led my body to become auto-intoxicated. My body then overreacted to foreign protein, which lead to my allergies. Here is some info that I have gathered from various web sites. "In an allergic shiner, we are dealing with an altogether different problem: venous congestion. Remember that there are two circulatory systems for blood: The high-pressure arterial system (oxygen-rich blood pumped out from the heart) and the low-pressure venous system (oxygen-depleted blood returning to the heart). Arterial blood is bright red because when heme binds oxygen, the pigment takes on a bright red color. As heme sheds its oxygen, the structure of the pigment changes in subtle ways, leading to a much darker red color. Veins beneath the skin look blue because the light reflected by these dark red vessels is altered by the overlying skin. Venous circulation is low-pressure; venous blood returns to the heart by fairly passive mechanisms (in contrast to the active function of the heart, which pumps blood at a much higher pressure through the arterial circulation). It doesn't take much to impede the venous circulation. In people with chronic nasal or sinus inflammation, venous blood circulating through tiny vessels in facial skin may have a hard time reaching the larger veins. -Thus, due to sinus/nasal inflammation, venous blood in the facial vessels is impeded in its return to the heart. This is venous congestion. When the small vessels in skin become congested with venous blood, the skin takes on a dusky or bluish hue ... thus producing allergic shiners. -Candida Albicans is a common bacteria in our digestive system and throat. When we are exposed to antibiotics, birth control pills, corti-steroids, or things like prednisone the good bacteria in our systems is killed off and the candida can overgrow. When candida gets out of control, it morphs into a fungus (here is your mold) and grows rhizoids which then burrow into our intestinal wall putting toxins into our system. This fungus feeds on sugar. When this condition occurs the overgrowth is called Candidiasis. The toxins that the yeast puts into our system are responsible for the varying conditions, like sinusitis, that each individual experiences. This overgrowth of yeast, I believe also causes sinusitis and a host of other problems. The kicker for you is that the common sinusitis treatment for a sinus infection is... antibiotic. So, as you beat the sinus infection, you become an even better host for candida, which starts another bout of acute sinusitis, leading to another sinus infection and, guess what, stronger and stronger antibiotic.. It is a vicious circle and sinusitis symptoms may just be the tip of the iceberg. You may be suffering from many other symptoms that are related to Yeast and just not realize it. " There are many ways to treat these dark circles caused by dilated blood vessels. If you want to get them fixed immediately without treating the underlying cause (dehydration, anemia, allergies, candida) then the solution is with a cosmetic dermatologist or plastic surgeon. They use a laser to zap the veins. I believe it costs $400 per eye. I know how awful dark circles make me feel, so that is why I am telling you the quick fix here. Please do not trust your eyes to just any doctor. I live in New York City, where some of the best plastic surgeons in the world reside. They are more expensive then other dermatologists, but they are worth it. You might want to do some research into Dr. Patricia Wexlar, and Dr. Frederick Brandt. If you lack collagen or your eye are is hollow you might want to do some research on a new filler they are using called Restylane. Just so you know the consultation for these doctors is expense. Dr. Wexlar charges $500, and I think Dr. Brandt charges $100. You might be on their waiting for a couple of months, since these doctors cater to socialites, and celebrities. For those of you who want to address the underlying cause then you are going to body cleansing. Since my dark circles are caused by Candida, I will have to go on a strict candida diet for at least three months. The best candida diet out there is by Shelley, an expert here on curezone. Her web site is: She has a lot of information there on candida, look through the forums for her candida diet, and various other protocols. You will have to cleanse your colon. Shelley recommends doing three enemas a week for a couple of months. You can do apple cider vinegar, aloe, acidophilus, garlic and epsom salt, and clarkia enemas. Do the clarkia enema only once per month. It kills the baddies, but if you take it more often it will kill the good bacteria too. After you colon is cleaner you can start to do liver flushes. Consult Shelley on when the right time is for you to do it . After four liver flushes the dark circles should have significantly improved. You should also cleanse your kidneys. Shelley's site has protocols on how to do all these cleanses. While on the candida diet you have to starve the candida. You have to stop eating sugar, and refined foods. No bread, pasta, white rice, potatoes, milk ( you can drink kefir), processed vinegar (raw is acceptable), and so forth. You consume salads, beans and legumes, non starchy veggies for the first month, and you can have fruit but only a few indicated ones. An Ayurvedic doctor recommended that I should take Bryonia, Alumina, and Sambucus mother tincture to help with the dark circles, so you might want to look into that. Someone who also suffered from dark circles recommended that I use Briar rose. One can also take primal defense (for the gut), and alpha lipoic acid to minimize dark circles. There are topical formulations of ala. Shelley has a great deal of information on treating candida, so again check her web site. I realize that the only way for me to rid myself of these dark circles is to cleanse my body of the candida. I am going to go on the candida diet and cleanse my colon, then I will do liver flushes, and then I will cleanse my kidneys. I know that it will take a great deal of work to improve my condition, but I am now hopeful. I finally understand what is wrong with me. Candida yeast became fungus candida = leaky gut = auto intoxication = overtaxed liver and kidneys = immune system overreacting to candida in sinus cavity =inflammation = venous congestion = dilated blood vessels = dark bluish circles being so prevalent = makes me miserable. It is only now that after a year of intense research that I have finally found a way to control that beast candida, and hopefully to eliminate my dark circles. I will start the candida protocol (with colon cleansing), and then I will cleanse my liver, and kidneys. Even if your dark circles are not caused by candida cleanse your colon, liver, and kidneys. Go see your doctor, and find out what you are allergic to that is causing inflammation in your sinuses, and find out if you are deficient in anything. I will share with you this tremendous journey I am about to go on, and report on the status of the dark circles. Good luck to you with your dark circles, or what ever illness plagues you. I hope this information helps you. :) * Juliet * Old post: Hi! I have really dark circles around my eyes, encompassing the upper and lower lids. The darkness is not due to pigment, it is due to dilated blood vessels. They are very evident. I'm supposed to have an olive complexion, but I am very pale. There is an evident lack of collagen surrounding my eyes. The upper eye lids are a bit droopy. My eyes appear sunken. I am only 21 years old, and over the years this condition has become worse. I have three sisters, and none of them have this condition. The research I've done leads me to conclude that I have allergic shiners, or hyper pigmentation due to dilated blood vessels. Ever since I was a child my nose has been congested. My eyes are always itchy, and when I rub them it makes a squishy sound. Do you have any insight on this condition? I'm trying to find alternative cures, or else I will go see a plastic surgeon. All the research I've done says that the only way to fix the problem is with vein stripping, or vein lasering, and fat transplantation to the eyes. Thank you for your time.
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    • dark eyes   by  #44676     19 y     3,069
      hi! i have exactly the same problem i am 18years old at uni. I found that lots and lots of alchohol makes it alot less obvious, but that might just be mine and others blurry eyes. lol i read in a few places that drinking lots of water helps and rubbing vitamin c moisturisers work, it didnt really work for me though. if you have found a 'cure' please let me know
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    • Here's help, but you may have to wait...   by  ezynes     19 y     3,278

      Two Professors, one specialising in an Alternative System of medicine and another in Herbal Botany, have been commissioned to research the causes and cures of Dark circles under the eyes. They are likely to publish an eBook in about 1 to 2 month's time. Please look for the site: '' for this announcement. You may also stay in touch with the webmaster of the site at .

      Best Wishes,

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    • i got that problem, and it needs to be solved !!HELP!!   by  #50175     19 y     2,972
      i have these dark circles too, i have no idea when or where they came from but i cant get rid of them, i think i know the cause of them, i have eczma (which is quite mild these days) and suffer from allergies such as heyfever, also i have a nut allergie that i've had since i was 4, my eyes do get itchy very often and sometimes i do rub them quite uncontrollably until they go red and numb, i realy have no idea what to do to help but i realy need to get rid of them, they are so horrible to look at i have even got to the point where i feel kind of upset and sick looking in the mirror -- please help if you can
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      • Re: i got that problem, and it needs to be solved !!HELP!!   by  #41533     19 y     3,281
        Hi, I wrote that blog when I was new to curezone. I never had a clue that anyone wrote to it, so I'm sorry for not responding. Since then through a lot of research I was able to discover what causes my dark circles, and it is Candida (fungal infection). Everyone has candida in their gut in yeast form, but when you take antibiotics and eat a lot of sugary refine foods then the candida grows in your gut and changes from a yeast to a fungus. It causes your immune system to weaken, and your body overreacts to everything causing inflammation. In the sinus cavity (eye/ nose area) it makes the blood vessels inflamed which make them leak blood causing the area to look black/ dark purple. The only thing that will make the dark circles to go away is to go on a strict candida diet, cleanse your colon, liver and kidneys. You also have to wash your sinuses with a neti pot using grapefruit seed extract. How is your situation? I understand how you feel about not wanting to look in the mirror, and how it makes you feel sick. If you obsess over your dark circles like I do, and if it stops you from living your life normally, then you might have body dysmorphic disorder. My dark circles have made me very depressed. If you have any questions e-mail me at:

        * Juliet *

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    • Please see an ENT   by  #47594     19 y     2,873
      I had dark circles for years, and was told they were genetic. But after getting long overdue sinus surgery, they disappeared. If you have any sinus or allergy issues, then they are definitely causing your dark circles. hope this helps.
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    • some info   by  ked4216     19 y     3,101

      Chinese medicine says that dark circles under the eyes is due to circulation. I started taking a kidney cleanse herbal product and the dark circles went away. That and a time release b-vitamin. They worked womnders!!!

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    • Dark Circles   by  #51861     19 y     3,139
      Dark circles are usually a sign of iron deficiency.
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    • candida and skin   by  lozzkay     19 y     3,153
      I also have candida, having had an allergy test and so decided to change my diet, avoiding sugars, yeasts, caffeine, etc... But what I noticed was my skin getting worse, excema appearing on my ankle, which is still there and has been for about 2 months now, dark circles under my eyes, blurry eyes, why is this happening, I know doctors will say it's the die off effect but this has been going on for about 4 months now, I'm getting quite sick of it!

      Please reply
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      • Re: candida and skin   by  robertwang430     19 y     3,027
        Hello I have had these since I was a kid i assume it was allergies. Over they years they really got better to non existant.

        I had a Homeopathic doctor test me for Candida and he said mine was extremely bad an the levels were causing all sorts of stuff. I see an alergist in the morning to do testin to cofirm the other guys findings.

        He gave me a 4 week round of various remedies and my die off effect was severe to full body symptoms.

        My eyes got worse, darker, itchy and exzema I never had this, he said bare with it but I look like Im a drug addict in public it is embarrassing, I can not out up with this. I stopped the remedies for 4 days now and it looks a bit better, whatever the case there must be a better solution.

        any ideas?
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        • Re: candida and skin   by  heather1     19 y     2,996
          try Sunchokes(Jerusalem Artichokes) for candida it works very well. I have started eat Jerusalem Artichokes 10 days ego, since than Idon't have any problem anymore.
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        • Re: Robertwang40   by  dreamlimbo     19 y     2,999
          Hi Robertwang,

          While you are taking these remedies you have to make sure that your colon, and liver are clean. This helps to minimize the effect of die off. If you have never cleansed you colon and liver this explains why your symptoms are getting worse. So cleanse your colon, and then your liver. Be sure to take a supplement to dissolve your stones so they don't get stuck during a liver flush. Eat an apple everyday, take granulated lecithin, drink raw apple cider vinegar W/ water (with a straw), or take malic acid. Then after these two organs are cleansed you should work on putting the candida in check. Ask MH, the barefoot herbalist how to do this. I think he has the most effective and cost effective way to do it. He sells oregano oil that really helps. Or you can ask me to tell you the protocol that I am doing. Read my second post, I have updated info. :)

          Good Journey.
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      • Re: candida and skin   by  dreamlimbo     19 y     3,087
        Hi Lorraine,

        I haven't checked my blog in a long time, so I never saw your post. Sorry for not responding sooner. Your symptoms are due to die off. Usually your body looks worse before it can get better. You should make sure that your colon is clean so that you don't reabsorb the toxins you release. If your colon is congested the toxins have to come out somewhere, so they will come out through your skin. My friend's mother has psoriasis. She started taking Dr. Schulze's Jojoba and tea tree oil solution and it has helped her a lot. I think that it would help you too. As for the dark circles, they are a sign of toxic blood due to liver, and bowel congestion. Before you start to work to put the candida back in check, cleanse your bowel and liver. Read my second blog. It has information on this subject.

        Good Journey.
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    • Hello   by  #61945     18 y     3,486
      I really have a big problem with all this dark circles under my eyes. I'm 13 and I've had these dark circles' since I was a kid! I can't afford any kind of surgerory or diet or anything. But, all I want to know is if there is a way to get these bags removed naturally? I mean, is it the cause of sleep? What is the main cause of dark circles'? I don't understand...

      Plz help

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    • eyes   by  tjake13     18 y     3,926
      Allergies to some foods cause this also. Try an elimination diet; allow 3 days to give the allergen time to leave the body. Spices are bad for some people.
      Good Luck
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    • squishy   by  nikksterz     18 y     3,557
      I have the squishy sound too when I rub my eyes.
      sometimes they peel at the side, and look very raw and dark.
      I hate them to the core.
      I wonder what's the squishy sound?
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    • is the dc solution working??   by  tasha92337     17 y     3,461     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE
    • Re: Dark eye circle solution. :)   by  #135217     14 y     3,497     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE
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