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Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

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  • "All my Love, Hon.."   by  YourEnchantedGardener     18 y     2,773       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Plant Your Dream!
    I was with Bo Lozoff yesterday.
    I feel deeply moved.

    Here are some of the things
    that touched me.

    He said he is a Mystic.
    A Mystic is a person who has a direct connection
    with the Trancendent.

    He spoke of humility.

    He spoke of Good and Evil.

    He said he had been in the presence of pure evil
    twice in his life. He said, when you are in the presence of evil,
    treat it like a snake up against the door. Observe it.
    Watch it. Be still. You don't have to do anything about it.

    Being Calm is one of the greatest gifts we can give the world
    right now, being calm ourselves through quieting the mind
    watching, and working with the flow of oxygen going in and out.

    He led us--the group listening to him--in a Blessing for the world.
    He asked that we do a spiritual practice, very brief, every day
    before we get out of bed.

    Ask, how can I be a little less selfish today?

    He said that 2/3rds of the world right now
    goes to bed each night not knowing if they will make it
    to the end of the month.

    Can you hear that?

    2/3rds--more than 4 billion people not sure
    if they will make it to the end of the month.

    Then, there are the lucky ones, you and I
    reading these words right now.

    He said this was his Revival Tour.
    He told me personally after the talk,
    he does not like speaking.

    He is very good at it.

    He speaks because he is more about serviing
    the other person that self serving.

    He says, there is a White Businessman
    in charge of the world now. The world is not in good hands.

    He said that we have to do what we are called to do for this
    Beloved World, regardless if we imagine it will make a difference.


    We are here to help because
    that is why we are here. We are not here to be invested
    in whether it makes a difference.
    We do it because we are here to do it.

    He said, evil in the world is the size of a pea.
    Good is the size of the Solar System, or something enormous.
    Good is transcendent. We are meant to be in the world,
    in the world, but not of it.

    Our house is here. Our home is elsewhere.

    He spoke about enduring pain.
    He spoke about the happiness of the Dalai Lama
    and how that man can hardly go a sentence without
    smiling or laughing. I know. I have seen that.
    Bo asks, have you any idea
    how much pain that man has endured to get to that much

    He spoke about a man or a woman who was
    about to do some experimental surgery to stop smoking.
    They had a small child and did not want to expose the child
    to smoking. So they were going to have this surgery
    to make it easier to stop smoking.

    He said our whole culture is on knees now.
    We are looking for ways to make it easy,
    not make it hard.

    He is not into stuff.
    Someone offered him a large book as a gift.
    He said, he has difficulty writing books because he
    seldom reads. He does not have time for reading I imagine.
    He has a community in North Carolina where he lives
    with his wife Sita of 40 years and his son.

    People come there to help out.
    He runs a non-profit called the Human Kindness Foundation.

    He is not into trivializing Kindness.
    Kindness is not about doing something for Self Esteem
    or to make ourselves feel better. Kindness is something

    He spoke of forgiveness. He said to Bless the world,
    we had to take a moment and forgive everything, then
    we can take it up again if we want.

    He works with prisoners who have killed people.
    He spoke of not letting others off the hook necessarily
    Forgiving does not mean they are not responsible
    for what they did. He said, the family of the loved one
    who was murdered
    does not necessarily forgive the act itself.

    There were former prisoners in the audience.
    Many were filled with gratitude.
    Bo gives his books free to prisoners.
    Some spoke of how much they benefited from being
    in prison. He teaches prisioners--many life termers--
    how to treat their experience as if they are in an Ashram.
    Lots of them are touched by deep love
    and authentic friendship after crossing paths
    with this man who aspires to be Deep and Simple.

    He said, Mega bucks are being made
    in the consumer idea that
    "If it is hard to do, don't try to do it."
    People are given anti-depressants
    now a days in case they might feel some pain.

    We are taught now,
    we don't have it in us to "Do what is hard."

    He said, "You can do this.
    You can become a rich, deep human being
    right in hell."

    He was not speaking about rich with money.
    he said we were building a false religion
    about material wealth.

    He said, lots of money passes hands around the idea
    that we are weak, that we can't meet challenges.

    He spoke about facing challenge.
    He spoke about the mountain climber
    who is exhilarated when he reaches the top.
    He said, the exhilaration was not about
    reaching the top, it was about the climb.

    He said, we have disconnected so many dots.
    IT is not about reaching the top.

    He spoke about being self reliant.

    He spoke about where our treasures are really laid up.

    He spoke about how many of us now believe we
    have no strength to climb.

    He spoke about the transcendent being a moment
    with the Beloved, a singular experience.

    He said there is a transcendent, absolute reality.

    This puts this world in perspective.

    He asks us to get in touch with transcendent

    He said that if we define ourselves by what is in the world,
    we become the size of a pea.

    He reminded us that everyone in the room
    was going to loose every person they loved,
    and that they themselves were going to die one day.

    He reminded us that before Abraham was,
    "I am" existed.

    He said, thank God the transcendent is real
    and we can get there.

    We asks us to look at what we are made of.

    He said we can touch the transcendent.
    That's what we are doing here.

    "My life is not my problem," he said.

    He said he was very ambivalent about being on
    tour for a year. He said it was his Revival Tour.
    He said, he was called to travel now.

    He spoke of walking around a seedy part of San
    Diego, and then being reminded that this was not his
    home, this world, but all this was a part of him.
    Something like that. He was not disconnected
    from the seedy places.

    He said, we all have what it takes to go deep.

    It said this world will not overwhelm us,
    when we know what we are part of.

    We spoke of a portal and going through it.
    to open to what is on the other side.

    He spoke about a scene in the film "Starman."
    about an alien visitor. In the movie, the Alien
    noted, "You are at your best, when things are their worst."

    He spoke about the weather bureau saying,
    by the way, "You are in for ten more years of severe
    hurricanes." Severe.

    Hespoke about a natural life--when you start to live
    that way, it can taste like poison.

    He spoke of of the world.

    He spoke of Pop Psychology and the trend
    to look out for ourself.

    He spoke of the Spiritual Traditions and
    Living for the Good of others.

    He said there is a prevaling illusion
    that I am not going to get what I need
    if I do not look out for myself.

    He spoke about not taking more than we give.

    He said that we are convinced
    we need to Self Protect..
    He said this cuts us off from loving.

    He is not into the small self.
    He said to strive for the North Star
    unselfish service.

    He spoke of the Bal Shev Tov,
    the Jewish mystical teacher who said,
    "The lowest of the low are deerer to me than
    my only child."

    He said he wasn't there yet, but on the journey.

    He spoke of how we are moved by art, things noble,
    and beautiful.

    He spoke about kids doing crimes.
    If they believed in a single thing that was truly beautiful
    they could not do those acts of violence,
    but they have given up.

    He spoke about the year of silence he took in 2001-2002.
    He told how he built a very small little room on his property
    and did not speak for a year.
    He spoke of how painful it was.
    He went in there without any books,
    nothing to write upon, no music.
    He spoke of how miserable he felt.

    He spoke about God beating the crap out of him.

    He recalled another time in the 90's when he
    withdrew from his outwardly successful life to
    retreat because this was his inner guidance.

    He spoke about being depressed for those three years...
    deeply, deeply depressed.

    I asked him about the deep lonliness I often felt.
    He said that was the search for God.
    He spoke about weeping endlessly at times
    while he travels between places.
    He spoke about being very lonely for God,
    even this man who is so deeply in his spiritual practices.

    I asked him about relationship,
    and how I felt I was loving my best friend more
    than she was loving me.

    He spoke of his own wife of 40 years.
    He said they recognized that they could not be there
    for each other a long time ago. Each person has
    to find God. They were grateful that they had each other
    through the journey.

    He spoke of not having large expectations
    in relationship.

    He said that in the next four years, hang in there
    in my own relationship. There are going to
    be profound shifts in relationship. Just having
    someone to live with is a big deal.

    He said the world is on its knees.
    The culture has

    IT is good to decide who you want to be with on the journey.

    He spoke of his favorite people all being fanatics.
    Not normal.

    He spoke of Jesus in the desert.
    "Come on Satan, give me your deepest shot"

    He said the culture is going down,
    before it will rise up.

    He said that spiritual practice is about looking
    at ugly things.

    He spoke about his mantra that he
    says at times in his meditation.

    "Anything that can happen to any human being
    can happen to me."

    He takes that all in. It connects him to all people.

    He spoke about illness not being about doing something

    He spoke about humility.

    He said we needed to be humbled.

    He spoke about making your life work for the good.

    He spoke of becoming one with the Divine Mother.

    He spoke about living his life every day so
    that it was a net gain for Mother Earth, not a net loss.

    He said, he was drawn to the word "sustainable"
    in recent years through his recent involvements
    again in ecology. Some of his work these days
    is with a biodesil (sp/) project.

    I offered him some fresh foods.
    He said, he was going out to dinner
    and his needs were taken care of.

    Tomorrow, he will be with local prisoners.
    in the San Diego Jail.

    His main book is called,
    "We are All Doing Time."

    He asked me to send the photos I took to his wife.

    He wrote, in the book I bought,
    "Deep and Simple" Spiritual path for modern life.

    "Leslie, so good to see you again."
    he gave me an email where to send the photos
    to his wife.

    I gave him #1 of the Seven Love Cures.
    The format is a Love Cure Post Card.
    I gave him my purple sharpie,
    he addressed it to his wife.
    and wrote a little note.
    I will mail it tomorrow.

    he wrote,

    "All my love, hon."

    More on Bo Lozoff

    One Night Stand:

    Bo Lozoff Helps Prisoners:

    Healing Lepers:

    Bo Lozoff Experience:

    Bo Lozoff Story from his Website:

    We're All Doing Time

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