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Aloe Vera Research Blog
by RisingSun

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  • Aloe vera used for many intestinal problems and Auto Immune Deficiency   by  RisingSun     19 y     9,312       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Aloe Vera Research Blog
    Aloe barbadensis (Mill.)
    Order: Liliaceae

    "Curacao aloes", "Barbados aloes", "first-aid plant", "medicine plant"

    Unfortunately, it's too little known that aloe vera very often works well for both constipation and the opposite condition. It does not work for parasites . Rather it works for bacteria, viruses, candida, the ph balance, and the skin of the walls of the intestines. Aloes is good for the immune system (supposedly because the walls of the intestines are a part of the immune system), which is a point to consider for lupus, since a boosted immune system will boost the lupus as well. The immune system will not be boosted per se, but rather get better conditions to work under, since the intestines will not leak bacteria and other bad stuff into the organism so much (and which, according to some theories, especially advocated by colon hydrotherapists, could be a cause of various diseases). Aloes is recommended for rheumatic arthritis, which is also an autoimmune disease. Fibromyalgia goes together with not only pain, but also often also digestive problems. Possibly, Aloes vera can help against fibromyalgia in general when taken over a longer period, along with other kinds of treatment and therapy. Digestion is one of the two main areas of well-attested success for aloe vera (the other being the skin), although it doesn't work equally much for everyone. In the past, Aloes was used as an emmenagogue, small doses increasing menstrual flow. The gel is used topically to aid wound healing and to relieve burns including sunburn; it encourages skin regeneration. Internally, it is used for colonic irrigation.
    Aloes is taken internally as a purgative, acting on the lower bowel. It may be used in atonic constipation although over dosage can result in diarrhea, gastritis and nephritis. To avoid griping, it should be taken in conjunction with carminative and antispasmodic herbs. It is the 1,8-dihydroxyanthracene derivatives such as barbaloin, which have a laxative effect. As glycosides they are not absorbed in the upper gut but break down to the active aglycone in the colon and rectum. Laxatives containing anthranoids induce active secretion of water and electrolytes into the lumen of the gut and inhibit the absorption of electrolytes and water by the colon. The increased volume of contents of the colon activates peristalsis.

    Take in conjunction with antispasmodics or carminatives to counteract griping. Metal salts are often used to enhance its action (e.g. iron pills).

    Before eating the gel the leaves must be washed and cleared of the green skin. Consuming the outer leaf can cause severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. Also, all the yellow liquid that drips out of the leaf when it is cut must be washed away because this has a strong laxative effect. This yellow liquid is found in the pericyclic cells of the vascular bundles located just beneath the thick green rind of the leaf. The yellow sap has a number of laxative anthraquinones, the major being aloin. The laxative action of these anthraquinones may be associated with considerable abdominal cramping in humans. If the aloin is retained by using the whole leaf, then this makes the juice extremely bitter.

    The hand-filleting procedure should be used to avoid contamination of the internal gel fillet with the yellow sap. Filet the leaf, removing the green outer portion, which contains the aloin, and leaving just the gel that exists in the leaf, the part being removed representing between five and ten percent of the gel. That gel hangs together by itself when the leaf is first filleted, just a few minutes later, the enzymes in the gel will break the structure down so that it will become a running fluid instead of a standing gel. The gel can be blended in a kitchen blender. Then some sugar, honey or maple syrup may be added as well as water or fruit juice to make it more pleasing to drink.

    As a laxative, taken internally, encapsulated dietary supplements of 50-200 mg per day. About 1-3 ounces (1 ounce = 1 tablespoon) of aloe gel can be taken by mouth for constipation relief. Take a single dose at bedtime or consume this in divided doses throughout the day. One should start with a small dose and increase it over a week or so, to avoid diarrhea.

    Aloes should be taken for a maximum of 8-10 days, not more than two weeks.

    The plant is strongly purgative so great care should be taken over the dosage. As with anything, it is possible some people may be allergic to the Aloe gel. The skin and inner layer of yellow juice of the Aloe leaf must be discarded. Only the transparent gel is to be used. Over dosage can cause gastritis, diarrhea and nephritis. As Aloes stimulates uterine contractions, it should be avoided during pregnancy. Also, because it is excreted in breast milk, it should be avoided during lactation, as it may be purgative to the child. It should also be avoided in kidney disorders, hemorrhoids or irritable bowel conditions. Aloes turns the urine red.

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    • Aloe Vera used in intestinal disorders   by  crohnie26     18 y     3,956
      I have read the articles regarding the use of Aloe Vera to aid in intestinal disorders and find them interesting;however, as with everything it depends on each individual case. For me, this approach did not work at all primarily because of the many symptoms. To be fair, I have Crohns and due to many surgeries am expereincing what is known as 'the short bowel syndrome.' Therefore the symptom of diaherra for example, did not fair well with my situation. I really can't understand Aloe Vera being used for this ailment if in fact diaherra is the common symptom. Kind of defeats the purpose since it is what we are trying to prevent. But if it is working for anyone else, I wish you well.
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      • Re: Aloe Vera used in intestinal disorders   by  risingsun     18 y     4,787
        Thanks for your input. I have never had any negative affects from Aloe Vera but I understand your plight. We are all our own batch of chemicals though. Each of us may responds to various herbal treatments in differet ways. A case in point. Check this post out about diarrhea.

        Diarrhea:Natural Cures

        Ingredients: A can of pineapple cubes
        Instructions: Just eat the whole can and the diarrhea will disappear. Honest!

        Date: Sunday, May 2, 2004
        Time: 11:50 AM EST
        Email address: Tristan Yard
        Country of Remedy: canada toronto ontario

        Ingredients: Lemon/Lime juice, Ginger juice, Black Pepper
        Instructions: Squeeze juice of 1/2 of a Lemon. Take a 1" ginger piece and grate it. Then squeeze it to get juice. Then mix the lime juice, ginger juice and 1/4 tsp. of black pepper powder and drink it.The very popular diet of diarrhea is called B.R.A.T :
        B = Banana
        R = Rice
        A = Applesauce
        T = Toast
        This four diet will help you to cure diarrhea in a day. Don't take any

        Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2004
        Time: 11:17 AM EST
        Country of Remedy: US

        Ingredients: Blackberry leaves
        Instructions: Pick two or three blackberry leaves. Wash and put in a coffee cup of water. Microwave 3 minutes. Let steep for 5 minutes.Drink. Or pour boiling water over leaves and let steep for 10 minutes.The natural pectin in the leaves stops diarrhea. Safe for children.

        Good luck this is an old home remedy for diarrhea that my mother always used and i still have used today.

        ingredient - cornmeal

        put cornmeal into a hot skillet and stir till it is completely parched (medium brown color). let it cool. then eat about 2 tablespoons of it (drinking as little water as you can). it tastes horrible (like eating sand), but it really does work. we have been doing this for years. if you do this treatment, the diarrhea will be gone within the next 2 to 3 hours. IT REALLY DOES WORK....

        conroe, texas


        Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2004
        Time: 3:40 AM EST
        Country of Remedy: Malaysia

        Ingredients: toast and a toaster
        Instructions: all u need is toast and a toster this will clear your diarrhea in a matter of hours SERIOUSLY.just toast 2 peices of toast in a toster till they are dark the darker the better. than just eat it plane. the simplist rememedy is the best remedy than just watch your diarrhea go away.

        Date: Monday, April 19, 2004
        Time: 9:54 PM EST
        J.R. SMITH
        Country of Remedy: U.S.A.

        Ingredients: Cinnamon, sugar and 1 cup of hot water
        Instructions: Boil water, place in coffee cup. Add 1 teaspoon of
        cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of sugar.Let cool so you can drink mixture in one gulp. Effective within one

        Date: Friday, April 9, 2004
        Time: 3:07 PM EST
        Alex l Gilbert
        Country of Remedy: eastern canada

        Ingredients: spruce buds and needles off of a blue spruce tree

        Instructions: fill tea pot with ingredients addwater brew as tea let cool enjoy ! tastes better
        then it sounds

        Date: Sunday, February 8, 2004
        Time: 10:11 PM EST
        Country of Remedy: USA/down south

        Ingredients: Flour and Water
        Instructions: My Aunt who was from Arkansas has so many home remedies that i could piut in a book. I recently gave this remedy to a nurse!!Try an 8 to 12 oz glass of water. Add at least 4 to 5 tablespoons of flour and stirr very good.(I usually make minethicker)Drink about 1/4 of the glass to see if it stops, if not drink the whole glass. Watch, it will work!!

        Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2004
        Time: 6:42 AM EST
        Carolyn O'Brien
        Country of Remedy: USA

        Ingredients: BLUEBERRIES
        Instructions: I had a severe case of diarreah for 2 months with horrible gas constantly I was so ashamed at work and I thought I was going to die and was afraid to go to the hospital. I tried everything and nothing worked until I found this remedy in a library book. I thought it was crazy because I thought fruit makes diarreah worse, but it was unbelievably a CURE.

        Date: Saturday, December 27, 2003
        Time: 2:23 AM EST
        Brigette C
        Country of Remedy: USA

        Ingredients: Black pepper and hot water
        Instructions: Sprinkle black pepper in a of glass of hot water drink up( Sounds too simple but it works)
        Date: Saturday, November 8, 2003
        Time: 6:19 PM EST
        Chris Brouns
        Country of Remedy: Holland

        Ingredients: Red or Green apples. Food grater
        Instructions: Peel the apple and grate the flesh of the apple onto a plate. Spread out the grated apple and let it sit until it turns brown (10 to 20 minutes) then eat it and go take a short nap. This will relieve the gurgling in you gut plus a nice side benefit of taking care of any headache that was coming up. Simple and tasty.

        Date: Sunday, October 26, 2003
        Time: 7:56 PM EST
        Country of Remedy: U.S.A.

        Ingredients: charcoal tablets and water
        Instructions: take 2 charcoal tablets and swallow with water

        Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2003
        Time: 11:26 AM EST
        Ingredients: Blackberry brandy
        Instructions: Drink a shot of blackberry brandy to feel instant relief from diarrhea. This also works to ward off the onset of diarrhea, when your bowels start to feel gurgly. I don't know if other flavored brandies work, but I keep a bottle of blackberry on hand and it works every time.

        Date: Thursday, September 25, 2003
        Time: 1:41 PM EST
        Country of Remedy: USA

        Ingredients: Cornstarch, water
        Instructions: Mix two heaping teaspoons of cornstarch with half a cup of water. Stir thoroughly, and drink. Think of what cornstarch does to gravy, it will do the same to your "little annoyance". You shouldn't have another loose bowel, but if you do, just repeat. Not recommended for food poisoning or a severe stomach virus, as the toxins should be flushed out of the body in these instances.

        If you want to help getting rid of diarrhea....Toast two pieces of bread.Then put peanut butter on it.The peanut butter will help to tighten your bowls back up.
        Tammy>From Michigan :o) Jennie


        If you have diarrhea drink some hot tea. Weak tea is okay, it doesn't have to be strong. I use Lipton's but any type will do.
        The tannic acid in the tea will clear out your intestines of the stuff making you sick.ANDRES RONCHI


        (Instructor) MELANNY

        First,drink many glasses of seven up soda and hot tea,also eat rice with cheese, it's very nice to be confined to bed.


        Native American
        For Diarrhea we use the inner bark of the White Oak tree.

        Take the bark and put it in a pan covered with water.Bring to a boil,and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes.Strain through a coffee filter,sweeten to taste,and enjoy.

        P.S.White Oak tea tastes good,but you don't want to drink to much as it might plug you up.


        By Leonard Auslender

        Ingredients :Water and rice


        Put some brown rice in a pan and fry it dry, stirring, until it turns golden brown and begins to pop. At that point, slowly pour in water and cook it until the water turns color. Put a sieve over a container, and pour the rice water through the sieve into the container.


        Marinella from BRAZIL
        Agency = ACBEU
        Instructor = Yara
        ingredients = guava water, two spoons of sugar, a pinch of salt
        You should eat guava and drink some water with sugar and a pinch of salt.

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