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Psyche & Health
by Chef JeM

43 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 137,094 times
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  • Welcome to "Psyche & Health"!   by  Chef JeM     10 y     2,677       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Psyche & Health
    July 11, 2018 -

    Inspired to search: "Psyche and Health Digest" and somewhat surprised to get no results. (I wonder whether there is a need for a "Digest" devoted to Psyche and Health.) I'm also intrigued with the dual meaning of "digest" and especially given that a great extent of "disease" comes by way of indigestible shock-conflict experiences. Some of these manifest in diseases of the digestive system but not all.

    July 27, 2014 -

    I am all-grateful to have Dr. Christopher Lowthert (D.C. and new medicine practitioner in Virginia) as my dear friend and "chief correspondent" in a number of shared interests, especially regarding our individual healing work that we both have taken to naming: "Psyche & Health"! Together we have logged on many hours of teleconferences dedicated to discovering and articulating our common ground regarding what true medicine consists of.

    I first contacted Dr. Chris several years ago in regards to my interest in German New Medicine after having read a couple articles at the site. Looking back on the initial inquiry I can now say that it was a great good fortune for me to have found Dr. Chris!

    From the time of our first contact I began learning German New Medicine. Anyone can learn the new medicine as well with the library of free information.[1]

    The mind-body-brain-organ connection has never been made clearer! The findings of Dr. Hamer are extremely well-documented and verified by many independent doctors and medical centers. By understanding the biological laws of the new medicine one's perspective on the theoretical premise for the Western medicine paradigm will be transformed.

    "Disease" has been given a terrible assessment by Western medicine that has become a major challenge in understanding the innate intelligence in the body that directs self-healing! The New Medicine presents a greatly needed language of light regarding the true nature of "disease". It speaks in terms of "special biological survival programs". These programs are launched and guided by the innate intelligence that permeates the wholeness of our being.

    My special interest in the new medicine is to identify the ways that I can support individuals in their resolution of their original "shock conflict/s" as that is what initially launches the special biological survival program.

    I also correlate my new medicine work with the Human Design System. In my own Human Design I have Gate 25 Defined by my Personality Earth activation at Line 3. When "exalted" that gives me the awareness of "the power of the spirit to withstand failure and shock."[2]

    Here is a sample of what Dr. Chris and I have worked on toward a shared Vision/Mission statement.:

    Preamble –

    It is our heart-felt prayer to give our best support to our clients who wish to be free from the fear of disease. When we speak in terms of "disease" (within this introduction) what we are referring to is the conceptual nature of what is meant by the word "disease".

    The semantics of "disease" typically includes gradients of fear-based associations that correspond to the severity of the "disease" and therefore when it is used as part of a "diagnosis" it tends to induce/trigger fear in the individual. This is because the underlying root concept (a misconception) of "disease" is based on the idea that the human body is somehow flawed.

    We find that it is possible to communicate about the observable symptoms in the body and their true meaning without the fear-based concepts (attached) about those symptoms.

    The way in which we communicate regarding symptoms is much more than just a linguistic preference.

    As you may see it is of first importance to us that we address the concept of "disease" and that we make it known that a large part of our work is clarifying what is really going on in the body rather than continue being in a kind of "medical dark ages" by relying on false beliefs regarding how the body works especially the "special biological survival programs".

    Possibly the largest part of the healing journey takes place through the psyche. Real healing entails facing the truth. Our heart, soul and psyche needs to know the truth. We need to obtain truth mastery for complete resolutions in our psyche - a resolution that automatically extends to/through the brain-body-system-organ.

    Along with The Human Design System I also work with the 64 Gene Keys which corresponds with the 64 Human Design Gates. Each Gate/Gene Key has three frequencies that our consciousness can operate on. Typically humanity is operating on the lowest "Shadow" level. That is essentially the "default setting". However each fear at the 64 Shadows holds a Gift. By embracing the fear we can access the Gift!

    The Shadow at Gate/Gene Key 61 is "Psychosis". I suspect that this is where is the "mother" shadow/fear where a majority of "shock conflicts" originate. Gate 61 is in "The Channel of Awareness" which is the central channel between the two head centers: Crown/Head Center and Ajna Center. There is intense pressure in this channel. Gate 61 is susceptible to delusion. In any case "shock conflicts" register in the brain and can be detected with an MRI.

    I also have developed therapeutic communication dyads and have encouraged Dr. Chris to include dyads with his clients.

    February 7, 2015 -

    A slideshow presentation (reportedly) by Deepak Chopra inspired me to make the following comment:

    Brain "management" is definitely part of the "New Medicine" and therefore deserves our care. I place it right in the middle of the continuum from psyche to health:"

    "Just as our physical body is protected by our skin, so our psychic body is protected by our aura.":

    December 16th, 2015 -

    I've just started to review reading material that is referenced in the "Fundamentals of Anthroposophic Psychology". In the course of doing this I'm adding the following as relevant to "Psyche & Health" here.

    "... Goethe's theory of metamorphosis provided for Steiner a solid foundation for an encompassing knowledge of man, culminating in his doctrine of threefold man. The human being, in his full manifestation as body, soul, and spirit, is central to all Steiner's considerations. Only by such means can we come to know the soul in its real essence." -
    The Anthroposophical Understanding of the Soul.[3]

    April 20, 2019 - More Anthroposophy with Lao Tzu -

    “In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu frequently indicates how the sage leads the people and says, ‘In the realm there are four greats, and the king is one of them’ … It seems as if the Tao Te Ching were a book for teaching kings and lords how to rule. When we understand that the word king is meant to represent the ideal human being —one who can be a role model leading others—we realize that Lao Tzu is actually teaching individuals to become ‘sage king,’ or simply ‘sage.’ Essentially, he is showing students a path to self-realization.”[5]

    January 7th, 2016 -

    The most previous entry (directly above here) speaks of the wholeness of each individual. Earlier (in my "other office") I noted "Whole Psyche ~ Whole Health" with the intention to make a blog post and here it is!

    We can see the three-fold connection between the psyche, the brain, and the body/organs. We can see that connection through the sequence of order between these three. We can start most objectively with understanding how the brain controls body organs. When a biological program has activated through an organ we can trace that to a specific control center in the brain. Then we can also see the impact on the brain in that same center by way of an MRI after the psyche experiences a sudden unexpected shock conflict. We can "back track" from organ to brain to psyche! Then our health recovery becomes a matter of recovering our psyche's wholeness. As soon as the "shock conflict" is resolved the healing phase begins. The distinction between the conflict active stage and the healing phase is discernible through "learning German New Medicine". Therefore "Whole Psyche = Whole Health"!

    November 5, 2017 - More Deepak Chopra -

    Just read a transcript of an interview by Tavis Smiley with Deepak Chopra and submitted the following comment at the site:

    Thank you for the transcript!

    The degree of Deepak's influence deserves acknowledgement. More importantly the issues that he mentions deserve dialogue. I appreciate that he at least mentioned this urgent need and I would be all the more appreciative to see him actually promoting the many, many dialogues that are needed now.[4]



    [2] Lyndal Bunnell: The Definitive Book of Human Design"



    [5] "Lao Tzu and Anthroposophy: A Translation of the Tao Te Ching with Commentary and a Lao Tzu Document ...", by Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit
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    Chef JeM
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