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by Solus

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  • Powerful Ancient Healing   by  Solus     15 y     78,947       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Flow
    Modern day change work such as NLP, Hypnotherapy, EFT, TAT, Matrix Energetics, etc. all have their roots in old world spirituality and especially various shamanic practices. One such shamanic practice is from Hawaii and is known as Huna. The masters of the practice were know as Kahuna. The incredible thing to note is that a shamanic tradition such as Huna, shares core aspects with our modern day practices. For instance what some religions refer to as the holy trinity can be seen in the Huna tradition as well. We see this in paradigms such as the ego, the id, the super ego, or the conscious, the subconscious and the super conscious. In Huna the concept relates the triad in the following manner:

    The conscious mind is called the "Uhane", or middle self. It’s the part of the human that is conscious of its own existence and has the ability to reason. It utilizes free will to freely create.

    The subconscious mind is called the "Unihipili", or low self. It is the part of the human that presents the unconscious material to the conscious mind so it may reason for or against it. The low self is the storage place from all of our memories. It is also the generator of the emotions. Our subconscious mind automates much of our actions so it is empowering to make sure these automated actions are what we really need for full empowerment.
    The third part of this trinity is the high self, called the "Aumakua". The high self is the “over spirit." This higher self works with the other 2 selves when asked to do so. We can access the high self through the low self and it is the part that directs dreams, intuitions, and premonitions. Huna teaches that it is the high self that maps your future based on your thoughts and intentions both consciously and subconsciously.

    There are 7 main principles of Huna:

    • IKE -The world is what you think it is
    • KALA -There are no limits, everything is possible
    • MAKIA -Energy flows where attention goes
    • MANAWA -Now is the moment of power
    • ALOHA -To love is to be happy with
    • MANA -All power comes from within
    • PONO -Effectiveness is the measure of truth

    So here is a very old tradition that we can see bubbling forth in all of the change work presented today. We can see the power of now, what we focus on grows, infinite potential, and we project our reality from within. It’s all there.

    We can work with this paradigm in powerful ways in order to create change in our lives.

    One powerful aspect of Huna is known as Ho'oponopono which literally means to make right. This is a powerful balancing tool. It operates on the notion that you create your reality, so by taking full responsibility for everything that shows up in your reality, you can use intention to bring about harmony. As the creator of any situation, you can re-create it whether it be something about yourself or someone who shows up in your reality.

    The traditional way of doing Ho'oponopono is as follows:

    • I am sorry
    o This statement opens the door to atonement. The moment you take responsibility for any negative manifestation you experience or witness you also create an opportunity for healing.
    o The apology is not directed to the Creator. The Creator is Spirit and does not need nor care about apologies.
    o The apology is an acknowledgment that we are sorry for whatever it is that we (or our ancestors before us) have done to cause the adverse circumstance to take place.
    o There is no need to grovel, just a simple "I am sorry" will do.

    • Please forgive me
    o We are asking for forgiveness for having forgotten how much the Creator loves us.
    o We are asking for forgiveness for having shut out the Creator from our lives and missing out on all the wonderful experiences that we could have had.
    o We ask for forgiveness with the absolute certainty that it has already been granted. The Creator is Spirit and is Unconditional Love, incapable of experiencing feelings of anger, resentment and all the other self centered (separation) neurotic patterns that afflict humans.
    o It is important to note here that Ho'oponopono practitioners never have to forgive anyone, since they realize that all wrongdoing is the result of their own wrong action or memories--past or present.

    • I love you
    o When Jesus was asked "which is the greatest commandments of them all" he surprised everyone (typical) and stated "You shall love the Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all of your mind."
    o Love is a great healing power. Sending the Creator an SMS of love will reverberate through your psyche and generate an immediate feeling of well being.
    o Once again being pure Spirit, the Creator, does not need your love, but the very act of thinking loving thoughts will tune your mind to that frequency with remarkable and immediate results.

    • And I thank you
    o As stated earlier, whatever your petition or concern, the moment you take responsibility for its occurrence and seek a way out--you are guaranteed a response.
    o Almost invariably the response will never be what you expect (or in some cases want)--but what you need to start the process of healing or reconstruction.
    o Your "thank you" is the acknowledgment that your petition has been heard and acted upon--that is all.
    If your current belief system doesn’t resonate with the preceding wording, you can change it while keeping the essence intact. Another approach could be as follows:
    • I take responsibility for my creation/s.
    • I choose to balance and heal this.
    • I connect to infinite potential and allow coherent flow.
    • I know this has taken place and I am grateful for the change that has occurred. Thank you.

    There are many great resources to explore this powerful healing and manifesting spiritual paradigm. Serge Kahili King has authored some excellent materials worth reading. Max Freedom Long, who was responsible for popularizing this shamanic practice in the modern western world also shares lots of teachings in his writing. Dr. Hew Len is one of the pre-eminent teachers of the Ho'oponopono method. You can find all kinds of great resources from these gentlemen and I would encourage you to do so. It is a life changing paradigm worth exploring. Of the many spiritual traditions I have explored and experienced, Huna and Toltec traditions top my list for effectiveness.

    Huna has turned around negative situations on a dime for me and others. It has healed things like burns instantaneously. It can bring calm to nerves right away. It can bring peace between people quickly and easily. It is a profound way to edit reality.

    I mentioned Toltec wisdom for being a worthwhile spiritual exploration. See why everyone can increase their spiritual power through the Toltec way in my next blog...

    Until then, aloha!
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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    • Huna Is Great   by  InnerCalm     15 y     2,021
      I enjoy the Huna stuff. It seems like one of the few spiritual philosophies that hasn't been distorted. So may religions and spiritual teachings are so far off it's no wonder people don't get much from them. In your opinion, what are some other old world spiritual teachings that are worth wile. I have some ideas. I am curious what yours are.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
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