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Colloidal Silver & Hydrogen Peroxide

Using Colloidal Silver
& Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2 )

Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2 )

Hydrogen peroxide therapy, as well as other oxygen-based treatments, is rapidly gaining in popularity within the alternative medicine community. Mounting evidence suggests that H2O2 properly utilized holistically effects the body; it acts as a catalyst for various needed body processes as well as directly reducing anaerobic bacterial infections. H2O2 oxidizes body waste products and diseased tissue. It has been shown to dissolve calcium and cholesterol deposits in the body, and it stimulates peroxidase production. Oxygen content in the blood and tissues increases with oral and IV use, and hydrogen peroxide stimulates the body´s enzyme systems as well. Even so, the effects of hydrogen peroxide in the body are wide,varied and still not completely understood.

One of the greatest benefits of using Hydrogen Peroxide for therapy is that it falls in the natural treatments category. H2O2 breaks down as H2O ( water ) + O-, completely nontoxic. Hydrogen Peroxide is not a foreign agent introduced into the body. In fact, H2O2 is produced within the body in cellular and other key metabolic reactions.

The greatest concern with use is the powerful oxidation which results in the explosive liberation of the extra oxygen molecule. This effect can be safely managed by varying the H2O2 concentration in any solution used. However, not everyone is in agreement that H2O2 therapy is safe, even in small amounts. Opponents of hydrogen peroxide therapy claim that usage results in organ and tissue damage. They believe that using H2O2 increases any and all conditions associated with free radicals in the body. Delving into this subject, at present, is outside the scope of our work. If one is unfamiliar with H2O2 use, then the best suggestion is to research both sides of the issue thoroughly before using it internally.

For internal use, a USP "food grade" 35% hydrogen peroxide is recommended, although ALL caution MUST be used when handling H2O2 in concentrations above 11% ( a link to an affordable source is available on the products page ). For external use, a standard 3% store purchased solution is fine, and in reality there is no direct evidence that the commonly sold 3% solution cannot be used orally. Please remember that a 35% H2O2 solution is HIGHLY caustic and should be stored in a safe freezer, clearly labeled and out of the reach of children.

The 35% solution MUST always be diluted when used internally. Three drops per six to eight ounces of water is starting point that is often suggested, although our approach is far more conservative.

H2O2 and Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver combined with H2O2 is quickly proving to be an effective combination. This combination can be used in oral, IV and external treatments. Please keep in mind that IV treatments should be considered highly experimental.

Adding H2O2 to a completed batch of colloidal silver ionizes silver particles remaining in the solution. In fact, observations demonstrate that extremely small amounts of ionic silver often plate onto glass surfaces. By taking a glass dropper exposed to colloidal silver and adding a 3% H2O2 colloidal silver solution, this reaction becomes visably evident as the metallic silver is ionized.

According to Water and Science Technology, Volume 31 5-6, a 1000:1 solution of colloidal silver to H2O2 is sufficient to increase the efficacy of colloidal silver by up to 100 times under some circumstances ( which remain unknown ) against bacterial infections.

High H2O2 colloidal silver strengths can be used externally with fine results. A 3% H2O2 colloidal silver solution can be mixed and used as an excellent disinfectant and water treatment method, and can be used as a skin cleanser/conditioner for healthy skin tissues.

H2O2 as an addition to colloidal silver is not very well documented although the mechanisms at work are. Two treatment philosophies prevail:

1) Using colloidal silver to augment H2O2 therapy. A 1:1000 colloidal silver to H2O2 solution is created. It is wise to dilute the H2O2 down to the desired concentration, and then add the small amount of colloidal silver to the end solution. Then, one uses this end solution as one normally would in H2O2 therapy. Adding three drops of a 3% H2O2 solution to six to eight ounces of water for internal use, as previously mentioned, is the standard recommended starting point ( see section below for more information ). For external use and for use as a mouthwash, the 3% end solution need not be diluted. The H2O2/colloidal silver external solution is EXCELLENT to treat ear conditions and infections that use the inner ear as an "incubation chamber". CAUTION: A 3% H2O2 solution created from colloidal silver is much more reactive than a standard 3% H2O2 solution. If one has experienced chronic ear or other tissue infections, unpleasantness can be avoided by using a 1.5% dilution. Simply take the 3% end solution, and dilute it further.

2) Using H2O2 to augment colloidal silver therapy. Adding small amounts of H2O2 to a final colloidal silver batch prior to use both enhances the colloidal silver and provides the benefits associated with hydrogen peroxide use. All dosage levels for hydrogen peroxide should be tailored to personal tolerance levels and used with informed caution.


  • Treatment of skin conditions ( may cause PH imbalance in sensitive skins )

  • Lung infections via nebulizer ( experimental, not recommended )

  • Bacterial Infections

  • Ear conditions

  • Type II diabetes via IV treatment ( experimental )

  • Emphysema via IV treatment ( experimental )

  • Mouth and gum conditions.


Used in Inhalation Therapy

ALL CAUTION must be used when considering using H2O2 combined with colloidal silver ( and H2O2 in general ) delivered directly into the lungs. The danger lies in the commonly held belief that few adverse effects are possible. This conclusion has been drawn based on the fact that many people use dilutions as high as 3% hydrogen peroxide with no ill effects.

However, certain conditions in the lungs can cause extremely harmful and potentially lethal reactions. Furthermore, less noticeable reactions are possible that have long term implications on health.

Smokers and individuals who have used prescription and nonprescription drugs delivered into the lungs are well advised to seriously reconsider H2O2 inhalation therapy. Upon entering the lungs, the oxidation reaction dislodges and delivers some substances directly into the bloodstream. In the case of smokers, this results in a possible extreme nicotine overdose that can cause heart failure.

It is unknown if this reaction occurs in the same manner with other contaminants such as harmful dusts and pollutants normally not adsorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream. However, it is evident that cell permeability is altered, and therefore all caution must be employed as a matter of life and death.

Furthermore, certain anaerobic bacterial conditions in the lungs can also spark an intensified H2O2 reaction causing possible extreme damage to lung tissues themselves. Again, the danger is that these conditions ( not currently qualified ) are not prevalent, and it is easy for one to be lulled into false sense of safety, thereby putting others at uniformed risk.

Taking the High Road - Benefit without Risk

Despite the unknown and varied nature of H2O2, the possible profound benefits from using H2O2 and colloidal silver cannot be ignored. On the other hand, reckless disregard for consequences in search of a quick fix is seldom wise. Patience, perseverance and caution are certainly called for, and on an individual to individual basis.

Although the following suggestions contradict most of the mainstream information presented by very well qualified oxygen-based therapy researchers, they have been developed with the idea: First and foremost, cause no harm!

Approaching any type of H2O2 therapy with an extremist philosophy is not necessary. Careful thought about what one is trying to accomplish will lead to extremely wise choices.

If one is attempting to treat a chronic and very severe condition ( such as emphysema, diabetes II, hepatitis, HIV... ) the best recommendation is to approach H2O2 therapy through a qualified doctor that can administer IV treatment. Through education, such a doctor would be quick to begin utilizing colloidal silver as a part of the H2O2 protocol.

However, if one is considering H2O2/CS as health advancing substance and to augment one´s natural immune system, then the following suggestions may prove to be an excellent starting point.

Internal Use: Start with one drop of a 3% H2O2/CS solution added to ten ounces of water. This results in a .0007% end solution. At this dilution, one will avoid the unpleasant side effects often associated with H2O2 when taken orally. The H2O2 IS still active at this concentration. While there is no solid data on the benefits of such a solution, it will become evident to the observant user that the hydrogen peroxide / colloidal silver combination does indeed act as a catalyst, inducing a metabolic reaction in the body. The operative idea is to slowly correct the bacterial balance in the digestive system without risking unpleasant side effects. A user may then increase the amount of H2O2 used to tolerance, or simply maintain the drinking water supply at this level.

External Use: As previously mentioned, a 3% H2O2 colloidal silver solution is an excellent topical mixture for healthy skin tissues. However, with sensitive skin, damaged skin, wounds, or otherwise blemished skin, the 3% mixture is too strong ( unless one is attempting to arrest an infection that is out of control ). While hydrogen peroxide does not react strongly with healthy skin, the oxidation that occurs when H2O2 comes in contact with bacteria can damage the underlying tissue and significantly slow the healing process. When using colloidal silver, only a small of H2O2 need be used to achieve good results. The operative idea is to include just enough to maintain an increased colloidal silver potency and oxidize diseased tissues, without the severe reaction that slows the healing process. We are currently working on some dosage suggestions, and they will be posted after further experimentation.

Nebulizer / Humidifier Use: All caution must be applied when using H2O2 delivered directly into the lungs. We are currently trying to identify the safest effective starting point, and will post further information as it is available.

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