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The Grisanti Report

The Grisanti Report

A Reliable Source for Alternative Medical Advice

Report Archives

Report #1276 How a New Test Can Save You from Dying of a Heart Attack

Report #1275 The Truth about Osteoporosis

Report #1274 How to treat a hamstring injury?

Report #1273 What type of medical services do you provide?

Report #1272 What is Functional Medicine?

Report #1271 What is Chiropractic Orthopedics?

Report #1270 How to Read and Understand your Blood Tests

Report #1269 How Safe is Lipitor & Zocor?

Report #1268 How to Lower Your Cholesterol

Report #1267 Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Report #1266 Famous Celebrities and Athletes Under Chiropractic Care

Report #1265 Indoor Pollution: How Prevent Allergies

Report #1264 Lower Your Blood Pressure: The Natural Medicine Approach

Report #1263 Earlobe Creases: A Risk Factor of Heart Disease

Report #1262 Prostate Health: What All Men Should Know!!

Report #1261 The Toxic Teacher Syndrome: Is Your School Making You Sick?

Report #1260 Magnesium Deficiency & Sudden Death

Report #1259 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Report #1258 The Short Leg Syndrome: An Overlooked Source of Low Back Pain

Report #1257 Anthrax: What You Need To Know!

Report #1256  Medical Mistakes Kill over 100,000 Americans a Year

Report #1255 Your Health Problem May Be Due To "Leaky Gut Syndrome"

Report #1254 Acid Reflux

Report #1253  Proven Treatment For ADD/ADHD That Your Doctor Has Not Told                                  You About!!

Report #1252  Uranium: What are the Facts?

Report #1251 Why Do We Get Sick?

Report #1250 The most effective non-surgical treatment for sports-related injuries?

Report #1249   Understanding Female Hormones

Report #1248 The Facts on Eggs

Report #1247 Safe Homes For Seniors: How to prevent serious injuries!

Report #1246  Why drinking milk is hazardous to your health!

Report #1245 Bacterial Infections Linked to Heart Disease

Report #1244  Knee Pain

Report #1243  Adverse Effects of Eating Wheat and Other Grains

Report #1242 No Grain, No Dairy, No Sugar Recipes

Report #1241 Everything your ever wanted to know about Candida

Report #1240 Wheat Alternatives

Report #1239 The Consequences of Additives

Report  #1238 How to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Report #1237 Are you poisoning your baby?

Report #1236 What is the difference between conventional medicine and                                     alternative medicine?

Report #1235  How to Cure Bed Wetting!

Report #1234 Strict Vegan Diet May Be Dangerous

Report #1233  Excess Iron Damages Blood Vessels

Report #1232  How to Prevent Running Injuries

Report #1231 Grapefruit Extract: a natural antibiotic

Report #1230 78 Reasons Why You Should Not Eat Sugar

Report #1229 How to Choose a Chiropractor

Report #1228 Vitamin C: Can It Make You Sick?

Report #1227 What Every Hypothyroid Patient Should Know about Synthroid

Report #1226 The Calcium Myth

Report #1225 Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Report #1224 The Basics of Healthy Eating

Report #1223 The AMA Conspiracy Against Chiropractic

Report #1222 How Well Educated is a Chiropractic Physician?

Report #1221 Osteoporosis: What is the T-Score?

Report #1220 Candida: A Comprehensive Review

Report #1219 Environment, Genes & Cancer

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Bacteria Promote Vessel Growth in Gut  Nov 06 2002
Schools Teach 3 C's: Candy, Cookies and Chips  Sep 25 2002
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Autism 'Linked to Mercury Vaccine'  Aug 16 2002
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The Danger of MSG and How it is Hidden in Vaccines  Jun 08 2002
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A doctor diagnosed me as having AIDS  Jun 07 2002
New Drugs Same As The Old Drugs?  May 30 2002
Taming the Beast; My Progress - Multiple Sclerosis  May 30 2002
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Hospital Drug-Error Trends Continue  May 29 2002
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12 Plants that have no purpose  May 26 2002
Pesticides and the Immune System: The Public Health Risks  May 23 2002
Experiments Strengthen Link Between Fish Oil, Mental Problems  May 21 2002
Raw Eating - A book by A.T. Hovannessian (Aterhov)  May 21 2002
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Why Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Injure and Kill?  May 15 2002
Are Vaccines Causing More Disease Than They are Curing?  May 15 2002
Fluoride and Aluminum - toxic combination of fluoroaluminum complex   May 15 2002
The Nocebo Effect: Placebo's Evil Twin  May 15 2002
A Chronology of Fluoridation  May 08 2002
Avoiding Wheat and Gluten May Reverse Liver Failure and Hepatitis  May 08 2002
Fish Oil Helps Prevent Diabetes  May 08 2002
HYPERTHERMIA - The "COLD SHEET" Treatment   May 05 2002
Ailments & Herbal remedies - Dr. Richard Schulze  May 04 2002
Incurables Program - Dr. Richard Schulze  May 04 2002
Herbal Formulas - Dr. Richard Schulze  May 04 2002
Patient Handbook - Dr. Richard Schulze  May 04 2002
Excitotoxins - MSG and Aspartame  May 03 2002
Crib Death - Infection May Cause SIDS  May 02 2002
Exercise Can Lower Risk of Death from Stroke  May 01 2002
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Mercury fillings are affecting dentists  May 01 2002
British group says patients can refuse treatment  Apr 30 2002
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WHO announces urgent meeting on new food cancer scare  Apr 29 2002
Few Antispasmodic & Antiinflammatory Herbs  Apr 26 2002
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Diet, Aging, and Muscle by Joe Friel  Apr 26 2002
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Kreftalarm etter giftfunn i mat  Apr 26 2002
Cooked tomatoes 'better for you than raw'  Apr 26 2002
Cancer expert exposes sunbed 'danger'  Apr 26 2002
Angry Young Men At Greater Risk Of Heart Disease  Apr 26 2002
'Programmed Obesity' Handed Down To Next Generation  Apr 26 2002
Understanding the Healing Crisis  Apr 25 2002
Cancer Risk Found in French Fries, Bread   Apr 24 2002
First 20 Years in Life Key to Cancer Risk  Apr 24 2002
Make-Up Holds Hidden Danger of Cancer  Apr 24 2002
Virgin Olive Oil May Reduce Cholesterol Damage  Apr 24 2002
Fish Oil Cuts Risk of Sudden Death  Apr 24 2002

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