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What Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) does in the body

What Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) does in the body:

a.. Needed to create the brain chemicals, epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin.
b.. Vital in fat metabolism.
c.. Changes linoleic and linolenic acid into archidonic acid.
d.. Helps the body use nutrients from fats and proteins.
e.. Strengthens the adrenal gland.
f.. Works in the blood to carry oxygen to the cells and tissues.
g.. Helps the nerves transmit properly.
h.. Aids in the breakdown of glycogen
i.. Helps decrease anxiety by increasing the body´s ratio of pyruvate to lactate.
j.. Maintains sodium and potassium balance.
k.. Builds the amino acids that create brain chemicals: adrenaline, dopamine, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), histamine, norepinephrine, phenylethylamine and serotonin (all of which influence moods and emotions).
l.. Increases the function of the energy cycle
m.. Necessary in the production of hydrochloric acid.
n.. Works as a mild diuretic
o.. Involved in histamine production
p.. Necessary for nervous system function.
q.. Amino acid and fatty metabolism.
r.. Essential for protein metabolism
s.. Helps control blood sugar.

Physical Symptoms of Low Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine):

a.. Causes chemical imbalance in the brain
b.. Convulsions
c.. Inflamed mouth
d.. Blocks GABA (brain chemical)
e.. Internal stress and tension.
f.. Blocks tryptophan (amino acid)
g.. Shortness of breath
h.. Smooth tongue

Psychological Symptoms of Low Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine):

a.. Depression
b.. Difficulty recalling dreams
c.. Insomnia
d.. Learning difficulties
e.. Mental stress
f.. Nervousness
g.. Premenstrual tension

Causes of Low Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine):

a.. Alcohol abuse
b.. Estrogen use
c.. Contraceptive use
d.. Genetic weakness at birth
e.. Excess in high protein foods
f.. Lack of vitamin B-6 food choices (needed twice daily)
g.. Use of antidepressants
h.. Food processing causes deficiency
i.. Poor absorption in the gastrointestinal tract
j.. Antibiotic use in food supply
k.. Drug use (isoniazid, hydralazine and penicillamine).
l.. When a diet deficient in B-6 is eaten for several weeks, the B-6 content of the pituitary gland falls to less than 2% of its normal level. The pituitary gland controls the other body glands. It is important in the health of the nervous system.

Physical Symptoms of High Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine):

a.. Excessive dreaming
b.. Destruction of the sensory nerves causing a loss of feeling.

Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) Food Sources:

a.. Pork
b.. Organ meats,
c.. Whole grains
d.. Wheat germ
e.. Oatmeal
f.. Potatoes
g.. Legumes
h.. Bananas

Nutrient partners:

a.. Aids in B-12 absorption
b.. Needs to be used with magnesium
c.. Needs all B vitamins
d.. Needs zinc
e.. Works with B-3 (Niacin) in the oxidation process.
f.. When combined with B vitamins and tryptophan it creates brain serotonin.
g.. Needs Vitamin B-2 to convert amino acids into chemicals.
h.. B-6 works with Vitamin C to create the brain chemical norepinephrine.

Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) has been used to Successfully treat:

a.. Premenstrual blues
b.. Menopausal depression
c.. Alcoholism
d.. Anorexia
e.. Depression
f.. Reducing symptoms in autistics
g.. Obsessive/compulsive behaviors
h.. Hyperactivity
i.. Tardive dyskinesia


"Clinical manifestations of nutritional disorders." Shils M.E., Young V.R, Eds Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease." Seventh Edition, Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger 1988

When volunteers were deprived of Vitamin B-6 they became irritable and depressed.

" Low B-6 levels in depressed outpatients." Stewart T.W., Harrison W., Quitkin F., et al Bio Psychiatry 19 (4): 613-16 1984

Study shows that B-6 deficiency is high among depressed patients.

"" Vitamin B-6 status of depressed and obsessive-compulsive patients." Russ C.S., et al Nutr Rep Int 27 (4): 867-73 1983

As many as 50% of depressed patients can be B-6 deficient.

" Thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine deficiency in psychiatric in-patients." Carney M.W., Ravindran A., Rinsler M.G., et al British Journal Psychiatry 141: 271-2 1982

Patients with Affective disorders tend to be deficient in one or more: thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine.

" Controlled trial of pyridoxine in the premenstrual syndrome." Williams M.J., Harris R.I., Dean B.C., Journal of International Medical Research 1985, 13 (3): 174-9

Pyridoxine, compared with a placebo, was effective in alleviating premenstrual symptoms.

" Vitamin B-6 in clinical neurology." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,1990

Vitamin B-6 may be useful in treating a number of conditions including depression. Vitamin B-6 raises the brain serotonin levels. Vitamin B-6 may reverse the effects of hyperactivity and aggressive behavior. Science News July 3, 1971

People who do not get enough B-6 have low blood levels of Vitamin C. When B-6 is added to the diets, the blood levels of Vitamin C rise again. Adams P., et al Lancet, p. 897, Apr 1973

Supplements of B-6 have been able to reverse problems in tryptophan metabolism.

" Pyridoxine in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome: a retrospective survey in 630 patients." Brush M.G., Bennett T., Hansen K., British Journal of Clinical Practice, 1988 Nov. 42 (11): 448-52

Vitamin B-6 supplements seemed to be beneficial in alleviating premenstrual symptoms, according to a retrospective study. No side effects of the treatment were reported.

Tkacz C., et al Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, vol. 10 p. 119 1981

Tardive dyskinesia can be prevented and sometimes treated with high doses of B-6

" Vitamin B-6 in clinical neurology." Bernstein A.L., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1990, 585: 250-60

Vitamin B-6 supplementation may be useful in treating a number of conditions. For instance, headache, chronic pain and depression, all associated with serotonin deficiency have, in some studies, been shown to have been helped by B-6, which raises serotonin levels. In addition B-6 may reverse the toxic substances associated with hyperactivity and aggressive behavior.

Stuart R.B., et al Journal of the American Dietetic Assoc, vol 75, p. 258 Sept. 1979

Avoid excessive B-6 intake since large doses of B-6 (as low as 200 milligrams daily) for prolonged periods of time (months) may cause reversible nerve damage in some people.

Morley J.E., et al American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 34, no 8, p. 1489, 1981

Vitamin B-6 effective for PMS. 21 of 25 PMS pts. given 500 milligrams of B-6 daily had significant relief of their symptoms.

" The effects of combined pyridoxine plus magnesium administration on the conditioned evoked potentials in children with autistic behavior." Martineau J., Barthelemy C., Roux S., Lelord G., Curr Top Nutr Dis New York N.Y. Alan R. Liss 1988 vol. 19: 357-362

Vitamin B-6 plus magnesium was shown to be effective in the treatment of autistic children.

" Clinical and biochemical effects of nutritional supplementation on the premenstrual syndrome." Stewart A., Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 1987 Jun 32(6): 435-41

A study of women with premenstrual syndrome showed frequent nutritional deficiencies, particularly of Vitamin B-6 and magnesium. A multivitamin and mineral supplement corrected some of the deficiencies and improved the symptoms of premenstrual tension.

" Pyridoxine improves drug-induced parkinsonism and psychosis in a schizophrenic patient." Sandyk R., Pardeshi R., International Journal of Neuroscience, 1990 Jun, 52 (3-4): 225-32

Pyridoxine supplementation should be considered in psychiatric patients with drug-induced movement disorders, such as Parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia. An underlying pyridoxine deficiency in these patients may increase the risk of these drug-induced disorders, as well as worsen psychotic behavior. The effects of pyridoxine on movement disorders, and on psychosis, seem related to its enhancing serotonin and melatonin functions.

" Vitamin B-6 metabolism in women using oral contraceptives." Miller L.T., Benson E.M., Edwards M.A., and Young J., American Journal Clinical Nutr 27: 797-805, 1974

"Vitamin B-6 versus fenfluramine. A case-study in medical bias." Rimland B.J., Nutr Med Abingdon U.K., Carfax Pub Co. 1991 vol 2 (3): 321-322

Vitamin B-6 and magnesium as opposed to the drug fenfluramine constitute the first choice treatment in the treatment of autistic children and adults.

" Central nervous system changes in deficiency of vitamin B-6 and other B-complex vitamins." Nutrition Reviews 33: 21-22, 1975

Acta Societatis Medicorum Upsaliensis Vol 72, 1-2, 1967

Reports a relationship between pyridoxine (B-6) and the thyroid gland. Individual´s who are suffering from a condition of hyperthyroidism appear to need more pyridoxine than normal people. The result is that there is a derangement in the way the body uses pyridoxine when the thyroid gland is disordered.

" Experimental vitamin B-6 deficiency and effect of estrogen-containing oral contraceptives on tryptophan metabolism and vitamin B-6 requirements." Rose D.P., Strong R., Adams P.W and Harding P.E., Clin Sci 42: 465-477, 1972

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