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O.P. Sweatt, M.D.

From a publication "The Medical World" of about 1935.

Observing the various comments in The Medical World on the use of HCl at a dilution of 1-1500, in various cases and evidently with an enthusiasm as to the results obtained by them, and seeing the report in the J.A.M.A. as to its use and its safety and its stimulation of leucocytosis in the body, though not a word was mentioned in the report as to the beneficial change in the differential blood count by the Schilling method, nor did the report mention the increase in the phagocytes or oxygen increase in the blood cell, I, therefore, have more admiration and respect for the editors of The Medical World now than ever before for bringing this valuable intravenous agent to the profession.

I wish to relate one case where it has been used with great satisfaction. Patient, male, 47 years, on examination revealed tumor masses all over his body, varying in size from a pea to a Welch nut and larger. Approximately 200 such tumor masses were counted.

This patient was lying in bed in a semicomatose condition for days, hands and feet in a spastic state and were constantly in the air in a shaking palsy, unable to take food. From 160 he came down to87 lbs. His speech was incoherent and inarticulate. His voice, if he uttered something, was of a high pitch, kitten-like; tongue paralyzed. Patient was expected to die, and the family was ready for it at any time. This patient was under care at the Rush Medical College dispensary, Billings Hospital and Mercy Hospital for the 1,000,000-volt X-ray treatment and was sent home to die.

For one week, HCl 1-1500 hypodermically was given daily, from 4 to 6 c.c., but with no results whatever. Then 10 c.c. intravenously was used once a week. Patient began to feel better. Tremor quieted. Opened his eyes, began to talk rationally, sat up, started to eat and eat heartily. Voice cleared; began to talk louder and louder till his natural voice returned and later turned into something like that of a bass. The family began to banter him about his voice:"Why, it sounds like McCormack!" (opera singer of that period) He would get up and walk away to the next room, laughing: "My family is making fun of me."

To the great amusement of his family and neighbors at one time he decided to go down to his lawyer's to arrange his mortgages so they would not be foreclosed and his property taken over by receivers. The medication worked miracles even to me, the pessimist. My prestige with the family went high. About 8 or 9 cases were referred to me by family and friends. Friends came to the house to marvel at the man they expected to die 6 months before.

The patient gained in weight about 11 lbs. For 5 months he was getting better and stronger, from the weekly intravenous injection of 1-1500 (stronger or large doses were tried, but with regret).

This patient developed a broncho-pneumonia suddenly and died in two days.

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