Time Is Simply Not An Issue When It Comes To Enlightenment! by Chef JeM .....

Taking "the long way home" might just be the way for a number of people who are not up to taking a three-day Enlightenment Intensive!

Date:   7/8/2015 10:47:17 PM ( 9 y ago)

August 29, 2023 -

"To find the meaning of life is to find an element that only the divine world can give and it gives it only to those who persevere for years and years in their efforts to reach it..."[9]

Comment: To the extent that the above quote is true is the extent (in this writer's opinion) that the idea of full enlightenment on what Life is within a 3-day Enlightenment Intensive may need to be re-considered!

July 8, 2015 -

In "Cultivate Healing Environments ~ Enlighten Through Arts" AKA Cheeta (Blog)[8] and with Chef Jemichel (Blog) this writer let it be known that he is an idealist by divine Design! How liberating it is for him to both admit to and more fully accept the truth of that! His idealism also extends into the work he does with Dyads.

Not too long after his initial three-day Enlightenment Intensive (EI) with Daniel Harrison and Ava (who was formerly the wife of Charles Berner[1]) He wanted to have EIs in the personal growth center where he was co-director in Southern California. In the next decade he took a few more EIs and got Transmission of Truth "The EI Manual" that is available online.[2] He also had considered taking a Master's training program on a couple occasions.

Over the past week he has realized that a three-day intensive is beyond the reach of a number of people who nevertheless would have interest/attraction for participating in the EI technique and that they could more readily consider taking a shorter and less intensive version.

he thought of developing "sessions." These would start out in the form of a very "user friendly" gathering. They'd have a schedule somewhat like the EIs have. Initially the schedule might be a twenty-minute silent contemplation; twenty minutes of Dyads (allowing two full rounds); a twenty-minute walking contemplation and a final twenty minute Dyad session. No sleep-over and no meals involved at this level.

The very first contemplation would be the same as that for a first time EI participant: "Tell me who you are." At a future session he'd like to have the contemplation: "Tell me what love is".

This writer likes what Omraam has said:

"The aim of spiritual life is to lead us to a higher state of consciousness we call divine love."[3]

December 30, 2019 -

"This new path is called an 'Enlightenment Intensive' and it has been used by some 100,000 people ..."[7]

February 3, 2019 -

"... the first Enlightenment Intensive ever given, which took place in July of 1968. The Newsletter of the Institute of Ability, Issue 9, entitled 'New Breakthrough on Mind Clearing' ... lists those individuals who were at the July 1-5 Enlightenment Intensive and who experienced enlightenment.[4]

According to the "Destiny Cards" the card for July 1st is the Ace of Spades! This is the most perfect representation of the Enlightenment Intensive! That's speaking as one who has direct experience of the characteristics represented by this card in the following description:

The Ace of Spades is one of the most ancient symbols for death and transformation, as well as deep spiritual truth. It is the one card in the 52 card deck representing the hidden truth that lies behind the veil of illusion in our earthly experience. Its energy initiates us into penetrating the distinction between what we perceive and what truth actually is.

I would add: "what we believe" to: "what we perceive" and underscore that!

February 25, 2019 - On Concentration -

"... In Zen, especially the Rinzai version of Zen, you sit and concentrate your mind and your full being on a koan, a paradox. Finally through that concentration, which may take years and years of effort, you break through and see the true nature of reality."[6]

A most significant "breakthrough" with the Enlightenment Intensive was the inclusion of the dyad with its encouragement and support for the contemplator to communicate whatever it was that arose in the Individual's awareness in their contemplation. With this approach "breakthroughs" were made possible within three days rather than "years and years of effort." In other words it is not really a matter of time!

February 24, 2019 - Post "Institute of Ability" -

The "Institute of Ability"(IoA) no longer exists. Nevertheless in the context of "the Truth of Self" (by whatever name/s this may be referred to as) it may be worth considering what ultimate purpose IoA could serve. What "Ability" is this referring to? ......... It can only be one thing: the Ability to Create! If this is true then it follows that the "ultimate" question is: "to create or not create."[5]

Every individual has a natural ability to create. reasonably healthy children do this naturally. It is only when the child has become conditioned to harmonize/homogenize with the world that they suppress their nature as a creator and follow the creations/orders of others.

De-conditioning from this state is accomplished through a new creation. De-conditioning is a mind renewal process that transforms the "person" (the persona/mask that one is coerced into "creating" to survive in the world) and this personal transformation becomes a metamorphosis into a new creation. This is why the "1st Agreement": Be Impeccable with Your Word" is now being recognized as the new ultimate "formula of life" because this is the way the new creation comes into being! Creation is an expression! The new creation is a new expression!

Expression, the (Creative) Word, manifesting/creating all comes through the Throat Center. This understanding of our inner source (our primary "resource") and inner process is good and necessary however the knowledge of that (i.e. Human Design) can't stop there. It needs to be applied! We need to create! And creating is a choice.

Do you begin your day (as early as you have the wherewithal to begin choosing) with the intention of creating? ......... If so great! I wish you all the success all along your creative way! Or do you begin your day thinking you have to follow some other "creation"? If so are you being all that you truly are in your "following"? ......... If not then what is the biggest problem you are facing now? ......... That question is based on a fact of (your) nature - if you are not creating then you are not living your true nature as a creator, are you? ......... If you are not living your true nature then isn't it true that you have a fundamental conflict in your life? ......... If you have a significant enough conflict that you are not addressing (and especially when the origin of the conflict was a shock - possible as early as the first seven years of your childhood) ) then you most likely are suffering some kind of a disease manifesting in the physical body with a biological meaning that directly corresponds to the nature of your shock conflict. The "New Medicine" has completely traced the development of disease through the human matrix of psyche, brain, body-organ. Resolve the conflict and return to your true nature as creator!

The overall emphasis here is simply to be your creative self!


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enlightenment_Intensive

[2] sandoth.com/MTC/TransTruthVol1.pdf

[3] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/love-as-a-higher-state-of-consciousness_2015-07-09

[4] http://www.selffoundation.com/Journal_of_Enlightment_8.html

[5] Inspired by: "How Exit From The Matrix could change your life" - by Jon Rappoport:

[6] "THE GENE KEYS GOLDEN PATH - A step-by-step guide to your Hologenetic Profile". An introduction to: "THE ACTIVATION SEQUENCE" - Discovering your Genius.

[7] https://www.dyad.org/d05BBE_1.html

[8] https://www.curezone.org/blogs/c/s.asp?f=3569&ob=d&c=1

[9] https://www.prosveta-usa.com/2023-08-30


idealist, truth, idealism, Dyads, Enlightenment Intensive, Daniel Harrison, Ava harrison, Charles Berner, ava berner, Transmission of Truth, "The EI Manual" contemplation, Tell me who you are, Tell me what love is, spiritual life, higher state of consciousness, divine love, ace of spades, De-conditioning, a new creation


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