Blog: Evolving Nutritional Awareness - By Chef Jemichel
by Chef JeM

The Effects of Inferior Nutrition Are Virtually Endless!

"Nutrition" has both a "good side" as well as a really bad side!

Date:   5/31/2012 2:32:52 AM   ( 12 y ) ... viewed 12683 times

Really Good Nutrition supports great health, total well-being including good mental-emotional disposition and natural beauty! Conversely the effects of inferior nutrition are virtually endless! It seems that for a lot of people their complaints along these lines are endless! However, I believe that real relief can be had for many if not most of the complaints. I also believe that complete relief may often require the resolution of an emotional conflict. (See German New Medicine at

One area that can be specifically addressed is food allergies. It is now very common to hear of people having all kinds of symptoms that are or can be traced to food allergies. (It is a topic that deserves a full summary and I am open to allowing that to evolve through me!) One very common food that is well known to cause allergic symptoms is wheat.

" Symptoms of a wheat allergy or wheat intolerance (not exhaustive by any means): Arthritis Bloated stomach Chest pains Depression ..."
Read more:

About two years ago I had back spine x-rays done as a requirement for getting physical therapy that I felt I needed. The x-rays showed that I had the very early stage of bone degeneration in my shoulders that the doctor said was the beginning of arthritis. Very close to that time I had seen another practitioner and got inspired to eliminate all wheat and all gluten from my diet. Although I did experience arthritic symptoms in my left shoulder the symptoms were relatively short lived as I was gluten-free and free of other things that are suspect for arthritic symptoms (like sugar). Eliminating the suspect foods also relieved "Bloated stomach"! An even greater benefit was a tremendous reduction or elimination of food cravings that I wholly attribute to the sugar and gluten-free diet!

However, I do not claim that the reduction/elimination of these symptoms is exclusively the result of the dietary changes that I have made. I also realize the connection that my body has to my mind and emotions. So I treated that as well! In this moment now as I am reviewing this I remember that I actually had occasional severe pain in the left shoulder (at least a 9 on a scale of 0 to 10). Whenever that pain would flair-up I would place my right hand over my left shoulder and affirm "all conflicts associated with this shoulder are resolved now" and I would continue holding my hand there until the pain subsided. That went on for a few weeks and now I do not have those fair-ups anymore!

Update June 1, 2012 - In response to a niece who was thinking that a vegetarian diet would be best for her blood type I wrote.:

I too have looked into diet based on blood type and guess what? I'm "A positive" as well!
But even before I got the book on this I had already done my very best attempting to eat strict vegetarian and for me that really didn't work. Then after my best attempts with a vegetarian diet I discovered Dr. Weston A. Price and his wonderfully well-documented and published work: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. He visited over a dozen isolated cultures and had hopes of finding a true vegetarian society that exemplified radiant health and he did not find one. However, he found over a dozen cultures that did have radiant health and they all included animal products in there diets.

There are at least two foundations that are based on his work. The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation and the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF). I am a member of WAPF since the beginning 12 years ago and also started a local chapter when I was in Northern California. The Weston A. Price Foundation gave me everything that I needed to convince me that animal food products are essential for radiant health and for healthy successive generations.

I think if an female individual knows for certain that she will never get pregnant and have children that the question of diet is all up to her and that people can choose any diet that they want for whatever reason. However, if a woman thinks she may want to have children some day then I don't recommend the vegetarian diet for them. They will need to be as healthy as possible to have a healthy pregnancy, a healthy and easy birth and have a healthy child plus be able to breast feed the child. There are several essential nutritional requirements in a health-promoting diet that is only, mostly and/or best available from animal-based nutrition. If you want I can send you that information.

Re: tofu The tofu products that are manufactured these days may be very popular but they are very modern foods of commerce. Traditionally, virtually all tofu products were fermented into products like miso, tempeh, shoyu and the like. These traditional fermented foods were more like condiments than primary sources of protein. The primary sources of protein among the cultures who were (and some still are) eating fermented soy products have been and continue to be all the sea-foods as well as land animals and their products! Un-fermented tofu and all un-fermented soy products are not really food for people. The Chinese hiroglyph for soy describes it as a nitrogen-fixer for agricultural purposes and not as a food for human consumption. Tofu and soy products are more of a modern invention that is made from the waste from soy oil manufactures. Rather than treat the pressed soy as waste they turn that into a "food" product.

This Blog-writer never recommends un-fermented soy to anyone. In addition the soy is mostly GMO.

Feta Cheese is a traditional food! If I were your private chef I would make feta cheese for you from raw grass-fed milk. I would also prepare or support you in preparing foods in traditional ways. I can elaborate on that, however, my very best recommendation - is to get yourself a copy of my number favorite cookbook: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. In fact, just the first 71 pages of that book will give you a good foundation for what you will need to know about nutrition! More than most doctors know about nutrition!

July 15, 2019 - More/Less Soy -

"... what about cutting down the Brazilian rain forest?

Well, the bulk of that is for soybean production and if we stopped foolishly feeding concentrated grains to ruminants and raised them on the grass diet they evolved to eat, much of the acreage presently growing grain in the Midwest could become pasture again and we wouldn’t need Brazilian land. (US livestock presently consume 5 times as much grain as the US population does directly.) And long term pasture, like the Great Plains once was, stores an enormous amount of carbon in the soil."[4]

February 27, 2020 - Soy Farming's Environmental Consequences -

"...Soybeans need large amounts of acid-neutralizing lime, as well as fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, all of which are creating an environmental hazard. Toxic chemicals contaminate the forest, poison rivers, and destroy wildlife. Indigenous Indian communities complain about poisoned water and dying fish.

The environmental destruction caused by soybean farming isn't limited to the Amazon; it occurs throughout the world wherever soybeans are produced. That's hundreds of thousands of acres of deforestation, over-cultivation and destruction of the land, and billions of tons of toxic chemicals spewed into the environment year after year, contaminating our soils, and water and destroying wildlife, not to mention what it is doing to us. New genetically modified soy was specifically developed to withstand the toxins so farmers could spray even more pesticides on them without diminishing yields. Talk about destroying the environment: the soybean industry has to rank near the top of the offender's list.

Now, let's take a look at the palm oil industry. When you compare soy cultivation to that of palm, there is a huge difference. Palm cultivation is perhaps the world's most environmentally friendly commercial crop. After oil palms reach maturity, they are commercially productive for at least a quarter of a century. That means that once the trees are planted, the soil remains essentially undisturbed for decades. For soy, the ground must be dug up and recultivated every year, year after year. The soil in a palm plantation is permitted to recuperate. Native grasses and scrubs are allowed to repopulate the space between trees. The natural habitat returns, complete with wildlife. An oil palm plantation takes on the appearance of a rain forest filled with vegetation. Wild boar, monkeys, birds, and other wildlife are allowed to roam in and out of the plantations, just as they do in the wild. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are rarely, if ever, used. Since the ground is continually covered with trees and growth, the soil is not eroded, maintaining the integrity of the environment from the tiniest soil organisms to the largest land animals. So a palm plantation blends into the environment without causing untold disruption.

Palm plantations are like thick forests filled with plant growth and wildlife.

Compare that with a soybean plantation where all trees and other vegetation are killed and removed. Only soybeans are allowed to grow. And what about wildlife? Animals would trample or eat the crops, so they are fenced out, shot, or poisoned.
Unlike soy and most other crops that produce once a year, oil palms produce fruit year round, so they are always in season. This allows for a high yield of fruit on comparatively little acreage. For this reason, the oil palm produces more oil per acre than any other vegetable source. For example, in one year on one acre of land a farmer can produce 18 gallons of corn oil, or 35 gallons of cottonseed oil, or 48 gallons of soybean oil. However, on the same amount of land you can produce 635 gallons of palm oil! No, that is not a misprint. You read that correctly, 635 gallons of palm oil compared to just 48 gallons of soybean oil. In terms of land use, you would need to plant 13 acres of soy or 35 acres of corn to produce an equal amount of oil from just one acre of palm.

So, soybean cultivation requires 13 times more land to produce the same amount of oil. And this land is stripped of all other vegetation, continually plowed and replowed, and poisoned with pesticides, while oil palms are planted once and then the land is allowed to return mostly to its natural state without harming the environment.

More soybean oil is produced annually worldwide than any other oil. What that means is that millions of acres of land have and are being destroyed under soybean cultivation. More land, like that in the Amazon Basin, is being leveled and forests and wildlife habitats are being destroyed to meet the increasing demand for soybean oil. Replacing soybean oil with palm oil is not only a healthier option, but would save countless acres of land from untold environmental damage. In the Amazon we have no idea how many rare species of plants and animals are becoming extinct in the name of corporate profit.

The Brazilian government acknowledged the lost 5,420 square miles of rain forest during 2006. This is an area more than twice the size as the entire state of Delaware! The good news is that the Brazilian Environment Ministry reported that the rate of Amazon destruction dropped 20 percent in 2007. Why the slowdown? You can thank the palm oil producers. Competition with palm oil has lowered the demand for soybean oil, causing the soybean market to decline. With less of a demand for soybean oil, there is less incentive to clear the Amazon rain forest. The rising demand for palm oil (much of it as a replacement for hydrogenated soybean oil) has made a significant impact in slowing down the careless, yet legal, destruction of the Amazon."[5]


Soy? - Certainly not to be had as soy oil (at least not dietarily) or as an unfermented product. The remaining possible food manufacturing use of soy if just for fermented foods may be a worthy research project in regards to the environmental impact. That may be, however this Blog-writer can't say whether it's the project for him.

July 2, 2017 - Minerals

High on the list of "Inferior Nutrition" is mineral; deficiency. Magnesium appears to be at the top of that list based on the extensiveness of both the deficiency and the implications. Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD ND[1] has made a tremendous contribution in both alerting the public on magnesium and pioneering new supplements to correct these deficiencies. In her most recent "Live radio show" with Ginney Gunther they talked about how good health begins at the cellular level.
"Good and poor health are determined at the level of the 37 trillion cells making up the human body. Minerals, especially magnesium, and vitamins are needed for the thousands of biochemical reactions taking place in those cells. Chronic deficiency of these nutrients is the most frequent cause of cellular dysfunction." That inspired me to begin searching what Weston A. Price may have said about magnesium. I actually still need to do that search however I just searched: magnesium"nourishing traditions” and got: “About 428,000 results”. Following are the top 10 search results:

[1] Are You Suffering From Magnesium Deficiency? - Cheeseslave
Insomnia is a symptom of magnesium deficiency. It is also ... According to Sally Fallon Morell in Nourishing Traditions, “Roughly 50 percent of …

[2] Mineral Primer - The Weston A. Price Foundation

The seven macrominerals– calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, ..... Copyright: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges …

[3] Skin Deep - The Weston A. Price Foundation

Magnesium deficiency stimulates the release of histamine from the …

[4] Sally Fallon Morell's 12 Health Secrets | Traditional Cooking School

Dec 11, 2014 - ... about Sally Fallon Morell, check out her book, Nourishing Traditions. .... our bodies handle minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus.

[5] Nourishing Traditions--Sally Fallon/Weston Price : Regimens - This ... › Board index › Multiple Sclerosis › Regimens

I am interested in the fact the MS folks are low in magnesium and zinc.

[6] Avoid Chocolate | Nourishing Our Children

In her book Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon Morell writes: “Chocolate cravings are a sign of magnesium deficiency.”

[7] 17 Best images about Nourishing Traditions on Pinterest | Magnesium ...

See more about Magnesium deficiency, Homemade and Sodas.

[8] Radiant Life | Nourishing Traditions | Weston Price | Nutrient Dense ...

Radiant Life | Nourishing Traditions | Weston Price | Nutrient Dense Food - Where to Order the best Magnesium Chloride flakes (for making homemade Mineral …

[9] Foods High in Magnesium | Gwen's Nest

Apr 29, 2015 - Foods high in magnesium are a great way to support healthy mineral levels.

[10] Nourishing Traditions – Smith Family Resources

Posts about Nourishing Traditions written by Smith Family Resources. ... B6–and vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sulphur compounds.

November 1, 2018 - More/Less Chocolate -

Carolyn Graff of the Weston A. Price Foundation says:

"Chocolate, cacao and cocoa are not recommended by WAPF.
For why to avoid chocolate, cacao and cocoa, see pages 51 and 52 of the book Nourishing Traditions.

... It is somewhat addictive, enhances the sensitivity of endorphin receptors (thus can cause a let down afterwards), contains a caffeine-like substance and also needs to be sweetened."[3]

December 16, 2017 - IV vitamin C versus liposomal vitamin C -

"Some experts in the field of vitamin C such as, Thomas Levy, MD, JD, are saying that 6 grams of liposomal vitamin C is equivalent to 50 grams of intravenous vitamin C. Intravenous vitamin C elevates blood levels of vitamin C significantly higher, however, without the liposomal membrane this water soluble vitamin C is unable to efficiently penetrate the cell membrane."[2]


[1] September 12, 2017 - Dr. Carolyn Dean writes:

"We have heard from so many of our customers in the Houston area and now in Florida - and we want you to know - WE ARE WITH YOU in holding the intent that the storm passes in your life without event or serious loss.

AND - we were there with you even before the storms came raging and did our best to provide our best for your health and peace of mind! The Completement Formulas can be the calm in the storm - literally - for you and your family as one of our beautiful customers writes to us today.
Hello Ladies,

I am in my home, on the West coast of Florida, hunkering down waiting to see what hurricane Irma will thrust upon us!

It's been a crazy week of weather and I am ready to just get through it!

I am thinking about all I have to be grateful for, and of course, my health is right at the top of the list.

Much thanks to you, Dr. Dean, that I am feeling better at age 54 than I have ever felt! I know much of this is due to your Completement formulas. I've been using them for about 2 years now.

Your products are incredible and keep me feeling tip top, every day! Thanks to the ReMag and RnA Drops as they are keeping me calm and centered through all these nerve wracking days lately! I know that as long as I have my shaker bottle, water and Restructure post Irma, I'll be getting what I need for fuel!

Just want you to know what a big difference you and your fantastic products have made in my own life, as well as several family members lives. THANK YOU to both of you for all that you do.

All the best, always- ❤ Jenny
Yes, Jenny, we too are grateful for all our good fortune and our connection with you.
All the best to you, too.
Dr. Carolyn Dean"





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